SAGE’s entire online journal collection is now available in a mobile-optimized format with the help of HighWire Press’ Mobile Web Interface.
Visitors to one of the more than 640 SAGE journal sites using their iPhones, Androids or other smartphones are automatically redirected to the mobile version. Subscribers can now view content in a format designed specifically for the small screen size and functionality of their mobile device.
“We made all the journal content mobile because we’ve noticed a surge in mobile usage,” said Bob Howard, Executive Director of Journals at SAGE. “HighWire’s mobile web design is suited to improve the web browsing experience for library patrons and society members, engaging those readers more closely in their daily workflow.”
Each of SAGE’s mobile journal sites feature the full text content of the current issue (with user authentication), OnlineFirst articles, archives, and tables of contents, in addition to providing simplified search, personalization, and article share options. The mobile sites maintain the look and feel of the full web versions for consistency.
“Our research shows that mobile users highly value the ability to access scholarly content on the go,” said HighWire’s Managing Director, Tom Rump. “HighWire’s innovative mobile program is designed to meet that demand. We’re proud to work with SAGE in providing a successful solution to their readers’ mobile needs.”
Mobile-optimized sites will be created for every new SAGE journal launched in the future, ensuring readers are kept up-to-date wherever and whenever they need scholarly information.