SAGE Publishing has announced that its SAGE Campus and SAGE Video products have been appointed to the Advanced Procurement for Universities and College (APUC) Framework Agreement for the provision of online streaming and online training services.
This two-year agreement will enable librarians at APUC’s UK member institutions to opt in to access hundreds of hours of high-quality teaching and learning content on the SAGE Campus and SAGE Video platforms, with similar deals also available for non-member institutions.
“SAGE Publishing is delighted to partner with APUC to offer UK institutions across various sectors the opportunity to access the award-winning SAGE Video and SAGE Campus products as part of a framework offer,” said SAGE’s Vice President of Sales, Tony Histed. “In today’s changing university and college landscape, and with the current move to online and blended learning at the top of librarians’ minds, both of these products offer users engaging and convenient digital content to support instruction, learning and research in a greater variety of ways.”
Appointed as Online Training Platform under the APUC Online Streaming and Training Services Framework Agreement, SAGE Campus supports the teaching and learning of skills and research methods through 250+ hours of structured online learning, with an engaging mix of SAGE-quality content, video, interactives, and formative assessments.
Appointed for Academic Content under the APUC Framework Agreement, SAGE Video brings teaching, learning and research to life through editorially curated video collections across the social, behavioral and health sciences.
Visit the APUC website to find out about institutional access through the APUC Framework Agreement.