The Royal Society of Chemistry’s publishing portfolio once again improved its Impact Factors following publication of the 2011 results.
Last year the RSC published four times as many articles as it did in 2006 meaning a rise in quantity has gone hand in hand with a rise in quality overall.
Our exceptional standards are reinforced by the 2011 Journal Citation Reports.
Individual journal highlights include ChemComm (6.17), Green Chemistry (6.32), Energy & Environmental Science (9.61), Natural Product Reports (9.79) and ChemSocRev (28.76).
And impressive first Impact Factors were recorded for Chemical Science (7.52) and Polymer Chemistry (5.32).
But how do we measure up when compared with other publishers?
- The average Impact Factor (IF) for a chemistry journal stands at 2.67 – the RSC’s average IF is 5.46;
- Of the top 20 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry category, six are from RSC Publishing. This is more than any other society publisher;
- Almost half of our 27 journals have an IF of 5 and above – the highest of all chemistry publishers.
James Milne, the RSC’s managing director, publishing, expressed his delight at the latest IF publications.
He said: “The results once again demonstrate the exceptional quality and reputation of the RSC Publishing portfolio as a whole. It’s therefore no surprise that so many researchers are now choosing the RSC as their preferred publisher for the chemical sciences.
“These results are also a great reflection on the dedication and commitment of the journals’ editors, editorial boards and referees, whom we thank for their support.
“We remain committed to providing a world-class publishing service to our authors, and delivering cutting-edge chemical science to researchers throughout the world. The figures provide a clear indication that more researchers than ever before are recognising journals from the RSC as a key resource to access the very best research.”