In December 2012 we redesigned all our journals, and although they’ve always worked on tablets, we’ve now tailored them to suit these devices as part of our continued roll-out of site enhancements to meet the needs of our community.
Many of the new site features we’ve introduced, such as more prominent figures and a figshare widget to visualize Supporting Information files, are ideally suited to the tablet’s touch interface. Improvements to content navigation are also supported by the addition of touch and swipe capability.
These tablet optimizations are just the beginning of our efforts to improve the mobile experience. Next we’ll be focusing on optimizing our journals for mobile phones. We will be replicating all the core features found on the main journal websites but enhancing them for use on the go. We’re currently working on features such as presenting content only when it is needed to improve loading speed on low bandwidth connections and simplifying the visual interface for small touch screens.
We’re proud to be self-funding these projects using revenue generated from our publishing business. It’s of prime importance for us as a non-profit that we give back to the researchers who publish with us and what better way to say thank you than with an improved tablet and mobile experience.