Oxford University Press (OUP) is launching Oxford Intersections, a new resource combining original research from multiple academic disciplines centred on a complex global topic.
Launching in 2024, the first six Oxford Intersections initially under development are:
Racism by Context – AI in Society and Culture – Place and Space – Social Media – Borders – Food Security
The topics have been selected because of the critical role of interdisciplinary research in helping policy and decision-makers address the world’s most complex and urgent environmental, cultural, political, and psychological challenges, the solutions of which are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research.
The format of Oxford Intersections will also facilitate greater connection within the academic community. For each work, a General Editor will oversee and mobilize a diverse team of world-leading scholars and researchers from across disciplines. New research will be rapidly integrated into each Intersection on an ongoing basis, ensuring readers can access the most comprehensive and current thinking on a global topic.
Speaking about the value of Oxford Intersections, Sophie Goldsworthy, Director of Content Strategy and Acquisition for Research Publishing at OUP, said: “The launch of Intersections reflects some of the liveliest work taking place in the academic community and meets the evolving content needs of our readers and users. In connecting original research of the highest quality across discipline boundaries, we hope to spotlight pressing global topics, collapsing the gap between research and real-world impact to take new work to a broad global readership as quickly as possible.”
By publishing Oxford Intersections, OUP is responding to changes in how researchers operate, collaborating across disciplines and looking to influence beyond academia.
Building on OUP’s capabilities as a digital publisher, Oxford Intersections will be hosted on Oxford Academic – the online platform for OUP’s academic research. The interdisciplinary resource will sit alongside more than 40,000 books and 500 journals, significantly increasing the discoverability and user engagement of the research content.
Oxford University Press is looking for researchers to contribute to Oxford Intersections – contact OxfordIntersections.Editorial@oup.com for more information and to be considered.