Oxford University Press adds hundreds of new titles to digital research platform, Oxford Scholarship Online

Oxford University Press (OUP) is happy to announce the launch of hundreds of new titles on Oxford Scholarship Online. These titles join our vast online library, giving users digital access to significant academic works for the very first time.

Oxford Scholarship Online combines OUP’s world-leading scholarship with an easy-to-use online platform that helps support scholars to conduct ground-breaking research wherever they are. November sees us expand our current online offering with more than 600 works from our existing publishing across seven new modules on Oxford Scholarship Online: Archaeology, Chemistry, Clinical Medicine and Allied Health, Computer Science, Earth Sciences and Geography, Education, and Environmental Science. Pivotal works will be available digitally for the very first time, helping students and academics examine scholarly research from far and wide.

Digital access has become more crucial than ever before in the last twelve months as Covid-19 restrictions have deprived researchers of the opportunity to browse library shelves and pore over the pages in person. Ourrecent report into the fate of the academic monograph in a digital environment revealed just how much scholars are crying out for solid works of scholarship to be placed online in fully functional formats and Oxford Scholarship Online offers students, scholars, and academics just that: the chance to consult our world-renowned academic publishing list via an easily accessible platform.

David Clark, Managing Director of OUP’s Academic Division, said, ‘The addition of such an extensive list of titles to our digital research offer is a really important moment for academic publishing at OUP. We learnt a lot, very rapidly, as the Covid-19 pandemic began earlier this year and this has accelerated our efforts to deliver the experience users value in physical books with the best of what the online world has to offer. Digital research libraries like Oxford Scholarship Online are vital to meeting the needs of the academic community and enabling the scholarship of the future to continue despite the challenges we face.’

OUP is committed to supporting the academic community during these challenging times with more digital initiatives appearing soon. Plans are also in place to add new titles to these modules on Oxford Scholarship Online as they publish and to digitize further existing content later this year, bringing the best research to the most people in the most accessible way.

Full release here:
