More than 120 library professionals from around the world are meeting at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio, to offer best practices and discuss their experiences with WorldShare Management Services (WMS), the cloud based cooperative library management system.
The first-ever OCLC WMS Global Community & User Group Meeting, September 19-20, is an opportunity for WMS users worldwide to share insights, workflows and enhancement ideas with library peers and with OCLC product management and development teams.
“We have been gathering virtually to learn about new features and discuss different aspects of WMS,” said Jackie DeLong, Systems Librarian, McConnell Library, Radford University. “This physical gathering will put faces and personalities to names, and will make our cooperative even stronger.”
Since the introduction of WMS five years ago, more than 500 libraries spanning 6 continents—Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America—have selected WorldShare Management Services as their library management system. Librarians from Australia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands are participating in this global meeting.
WMS users have been gathering since 2013 at more than a dozen regional meetings hosted by WMS community libraries. This is the first time users have gathered in one place—at OCLC in Dublin—for a global community meeting.
Nearly 50 presenters and panelists will be actively sharing insights in multiple community-led tracks with meeting participants—along with OCLC product, support and development staff—setting a new standard for community collaboration.
“The goal of the meeting is to have 100 percent active participation,” said Helene Blowers, OCLC Community Program Manager. “Nearly every meeting registrant is a participant, whether they are demonstrating a workflow, providing a 10-minute talk, participating in a panel session, or joining in an informal table talk. The WorldShare community takes very seriously the power of collaboration. We know that each participant will have something to offer from their unique experience and perspective.”
The WMS Community Leadership Planning Team was instrumental in arranging this event. The team is comprised of: Noah Brubaker, PALNI (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana); Katy Gabrio, Macalester College; Jackie DeLong, Radford University; Michael Winecoff, University of North Carolina Charlotte; and Helene Blowers, OCLC.
Follow meeting developments on Twitter with the hashtag #WMSglobal.