All are welcome to attend this free webinar with OCLC Research Wikipedian in Residence Max Klein to learn what’s happened between Wikipedia and libraries in the past and what it means for the future.
Follow or tweet this webinar with #orwikipedia
In addition, Max Klein will explain the connection between Wikipedia and libraries, discuss the variety of Wikipedia in Residence positions and the opportunities for libraries working with Wikipedia, as well as describe how OCLC Research is working to integrate Authority Control into Wikipedia. He’ll also present “Behind the Secret Door: Tips and Tricks for Librarians using Wikipedia.”
This free OCLC Research webinar is open to all and is geared toward academic libraries. WebJunction will also host a webinar with Max Klein, “Librarians are Wikipedians Too,” with a public library focus on 2 August that is free and open to all. Complete details are available at the links below.
Register here* to attend the OCLC Research “Wikipedia and Libraries: What’s the Connection?” webinar on 31 July 2012 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET.
A recording of this webinar will be made available on the OCLC Research website, in iTunesand on YouTube.
*After you register to attend online, you will receive an e-mail message that contains instructions for logging on to WebEx, where you will view the presentation slides online through your Web browser (please note that WebEx recommends using Internet Explorer or Firefox, as Chrome and Safari are not supported). When you log in to the webinar, you may chose to either listen to the presentation audio through your computer speakers or headset, or dial in and listen by telephone.
If you have questions or need assistance, please call WebEx technical support directly by phone at US/Canada Toll-Free: +1 866 229-3239 or International Toll: +1 408 435-7088.
More information
Register to attend the OCLC Research “Wikipedia and Libraries: What’s the Connection?” webinar on 31 July 2012 at 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET
Learn more about Max Klein and the OCLC Research Wikipedian in Residence position
Learn more about how OCLC Research is working to integrate Authority Control into Wikipedia
Register to attend the WebJunction webinar on 2 August 2012 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET, “Librarians are Wikipedians Too”
OCLC Research webinars
OCLC Research webinar recordings in iTunes
OCLC Research YouTube Channel