OCLC Global Council met November 5–7 in Dublin, Ohio, to discuss direction and governance of the OCLC cooperative. Delegates heard reports from OCLC members and staff on emerging technologies and how they are impacting libraries around the world. Global Council also approved changes in regulations and bylaws of the cooperative.
Global Council passed a resolution to make changes in the Global Council bylaws by formalizing committee structures, including two new committees: Communications and Finance; clarifying officer terms; and creating a process for establishing alternate delegates.
Global Council also ratified an amendment to the OCLC Code of Regulations to discontinue the practice of the OCLC President and CEO serving as a voting member of the Board in keeping with emerging best practices among nonprofit organizations. The amendment will be effective when the next president and CEO assumes duties. Jay Jordan, OCLC President and CEO, is expected to retire by June 30, 2013. A successor has not yet been selected.
Under the direction of Global Council President ChewLeng Beh, Senior Director, Library and Professional Services and Director of SILAS National Library Board, Singapore, Global Council also heard:
An update on the OCLC Board of Trustees from Sandy Yee, incoming Chair, and Dean of the Wayne State University Libraries and Library and Information Science Program
The OCLC President’s Report, from Mr. Jordan
Report on OCLC Finance, by Rick Schwieterman, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, OCLC
A presentation, “The Library Scene in The Netherlands,” by Anja Smit, University Librarian, Utrecht University, Netherlands
“Linked Data – Radical Change?” presented by Richard Wallis, Technology Evangelist, OCLC
“Wikipedians and Librarians: Two Communities Separated by Common Goals,” a presentation by Max Klein, OCLC Wikipedian in Residence, and Merilee Proffitt, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research.
Global Council heard committee and advisory group reports:
The Bylaws Committee clarified recommended changes up for vote
The Communications Committee discussed ways to facilitate more and better communication
The Credits Advisory Group discussed the future of cataloging credits; the committee continues to gather input from members on this topic for discussion from webinars, listservs and other communications activities.
Delegates also participated in small group discussions that examined trends and issues in libraries and information science, including data quality, security, archive and museum interests, among others.
The OCLC Global Council meeting was webcast live. Video from the webcast is posted on the OCLC website.
OCLC Global Council comprises Member Delegates elected by the members within each of the three Regional Councils—Americas, Asia Pacific and EMEA—and serves as a key strategic discussion forum and the major communication link among member libraries, Regional Councils and OCLC. Global Council helps shape the future direction of OCLC and libraries by electing six members to the OCLC Board of Trustees and ratifying amendments to the OCLC Code of Regulations and Articles of Incorporation. The Global Council also discusses interests of mutual concern and makes recommendations to OCLC management and members of the OCLC Board of Trustees. Member Delegates also help to ensure regular and open communication between the Membership and OCLC.