The NÖ Landeskliniken-Holding has now purchased a license for an extensive collection of Springer medical journals. As a result, medical staff from 27 different hospitals in Lower Austria will soon have access to more than 500 English- and German-language journals from Springer and Adis. The license will have an initial term of four years, beginning January 2015.
In preparation, Springer created an electronic journals package optimally tailored to the needs of the medical staff. With this package, Springer ensures that users will be able to conveniently access the scientific and medical content on a broad range of mobile devices. The individual hospitals had previously each purchased their own journal subscriptions. Thanks to the new agreement at the holding level, hospital staff will now have far more content at their disposal.
According to Christoph Sauer, head of the Holding’s knowledge management project, “Continuing medical education and the ability to offer patients state-of-the-art and evidence-based care are key priorities for us. As such, our goal was to provide our staff with better access to professional medical information, from both a qualitative and cost-based standpoint. However, upon closer examination, we realized there were still quite a few differences from journal to journal in terms of format –print or online –, quantity and various other aspects. We therefore started a project to create a tailor-made, web-based knowledge platform for all members of the staff in the form of an online library, and to centrally bundle the titles in the future. With the purchase of a customer-oriented license model with Springer, that project has now been completed.”
“Providing our staff with cutting-edge content is one of our top priorities,” adds Helmut Krenn, Managing Director of the Lower Austrian Provincial Clinics Holding.
“By switching from individual licenses for each facility to a single, central license, the Lower Austrian Provincial Clinics will now enjoy a much broader portfolio of Springer medical journals. We’re currently working together to communicate this internally, and to boost use of the content at the respective clinics through marketing activities,” explains Katrin Rubenthaler, Senior Licensing Manager at Springer.