After 35 years of working in post-16 education and research, Dr Malcolm Read executive secretary at JISC will retire in January 2012.
Malcolm joined JISC in 1993 and has been central to championing digital technologies for education and research. His achievements include setting up the UK’s academic computer network JANET(UK) and being a passionate advocate of making publicly funded research widely available for everyone to benefit.
Alan Langlands HEFCE’s chief executive said, “Malcolm’s contribution both on driving policy and strategic development not only in the UK but across Europe and internationally has been tremendous. This was also recognised in 2010 when Malcolm was awarded an OBE for his services to further and higher education. We wish Malcolm well with his future plans.”
Dr Read has been central to setting up partnerships with The Knowledge Exchange, The British Library and the Higher Education Academy to create knowledge sharing as well as publishing papers and contributing to books, with his most recent publication being a chapter in The Tower and Cloud an e-book on the future of technology for education.
Upon retiring Dr Read will be following his passion for glaciology and will be travelling around Antarctica for two months.