STM publisher Springer has announced that its flagship multidisciplinary science journal Naturwissenschaften – The Science of Nature is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2013. The journal was founded in 1913 by the physicist Dr. Arnold Berliner. Originally published in German, the journal now publishes exclusively in English.
In 1912, Arnold Berliner proposed a journal to Springer that would cover the entire field of the natural sciences. His plan was to “inform everyone working in the natural sciences of what interests him outside his own subject.” The first issue appeared in January 1913.
Naturwissenschaften – The Science of Nature covers all aspects of the natural sciences, focusing on articles in biology, chemistry, geology and physics. Published monthly, the journal is dedicated to the fast publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed research. Reviews, Original Articles, Concepts & Synthesis, Short Communications, and Comments & Replies are published in Naturwissenschaften on link.springer.com as Online First articles before appearing in print.
Dr. Sven Thatje of the University of Southampton’s Department of Ocean and Earth Science at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK, servers as the Editor-in-chief of the journal.
For the 100th anniversary, the Arnold Berliner Award will be established in recognition of its founder. The award will be given annually for the best research article published in Naturwissenschaften during the previous calendar year.