Mendeley Institutional Edition powered by Swets (MIE), the web-based research analytics dashboard and social collaboration platform, has expanded its reach into the Asia–Pacific market and is being rolled out at the University of Nottingham Malaysia campus. This prestigious foreign campus of the University of Nottingham in the UK joins other institutions in the region, including Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council (AFFRC) of Japan, in adopting the platform.
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus library has a large international student base, necessitating a great degree of flexibility in the tools they use to conduct and manage their research. All libraries signing up for the MIE can roll out premium versions of Mendeley’s end-user platform to all researchers across their institution. MIE’s cloud-based solution has opened up new possibilities for the Campus’ end users to work and collaborate remotely, an important factor for the University.
“Mendeley Institutional Edition is just the right application for our researchers to connect to their resources, databases and journal citations anytime, anywhere,” says Ms Khan Quay Kin, Senior Librarian at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. “It supports access via multiple devices, across different platforms and browser environments. It is simple and intuitive to use and the web importer feature enables the citation of references within seconds!”
From the library point of view, keeping track of reading and publication trends among this diverse group was a huge bonus to the library. The insights provided by the tool will give the library a more central role in the research workflow undertaken across their institution and greater visibility of end-user behavior and how to refine the library collection to meet their changing needs.
During the implementation stage, Swets and Mendeley worked with the library to build a customized citation style that, although based on the Harvard system, was unique to this institution. This again demonstrates the flexibility of the system for our customers.
“We are delighted that The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus have chosen to add Mendeley Institutional Edition to their library portfolio,” says Debbie Dore, Chief Commercial Officer at Swets. “They serve as a clear example of the platform’s international appeal and highlight the fact that the data inherent within the platform can be of great value to all institutions, no matter their location.”
As more institutions adopt the platform, the value of such an integrated system becomes ever greater. The possibilities for further growth in the tool’s analytics capabilities and benchmarking are revealed as layers will be added to what is based on the one of the largest citation databases in existence.