Fast-growing Maney Publishing is building on its long-standing relationship with Aries Systems by deploying the Editorial Manager (EM) peer review system to some 40 humanities and social science (HSS) publications in the near future. EM is currently available for Maney’s entire list of STM journals and interest in using online submission and refereeing has been growing amongst HSS journals for some years. This is a major development for a system first employed for scientific journals and represents an imaginative partnership between Aries and Maney that will give Maney’s HSS journals a strong competitive edge. Humanities journals increasingly expect to use the same technology as STM titles.
Liz Rosindale, Maney’s Publishing Manager, Humanities, comments: “Maney has recently signed new publishing agreements with organizations such as the European Archaeological Association and the International Institute for Conservation, which are now successfully using Editorial Manager for their journals. We have a growing number of other humanities journals already using the system and others, such as Environmental Archaeology, Ambix, and Palestine Exploration Quarterly for which we will install EM for 2013. We are keen to deploy the system for our journals because it enhances service to authors, stimulates copy flow, and significantly reduces editorial administration for our editors, while streamlining the process for referees.”
Maney’s CEO Michael Gallico welcomed the new agreement: “Richard Wynne at Aries has worked with us flexibly to extend our use of EM to the humanities and social sciences, which will give us an end-to-end service to authors and editors. I am delighted that Maney can now offer this facility to our growing list of HSS editors and partner societies.”