Local Literature Automation: Faster Reviews, Enhanced Efficiency

PubHive Ltd., a leading provider of AI-powered scientific literature & safety information workflowstoday announced a significant update to its Local Literature Auto-Tracker (LLAT) module, designed to enhance workflow efficiency and productivity for life science companies and contract research organizations (CROs). This update empowers pharmacovigilance and drug safety users with a range of new features that streamline and automate local literature searches and reviews. It also set to transform the way organizations / CROs handle local literature publications, enhancing efficiency and simplifying compliance.

Continuously gathering feedback from our valued customers, we have implemented several key updates to the Local Literature Auto-Tracker (LLAT) module that address the industry’s evolving needs. 

Benefits of the Enhanced Local Literature Auto-Tracker:

  • Granular Search Options: Users can now select specific date ranges, identify reviewed or unreviewed literature, and conduct searches by product, country, or molecule (based on assignments).
  • Bulk Search and Review: Perform searches for multiple products, journals, countries, or molecules simultaneously, saving significant time.
  • Bulk Commenting: Add comments to address findings across multiple products, journals, countries, or molecules, streamlining the review process.
  • Advanced Filtering: Search results can be filtered based on specific products, journals, or molecules, allowing users to focus on the most critical information.

Reduced Review Time, Increased Efficiency:

The enhanced Local Literature Auto-Tracker (LLAT) empowers users to conduct comprehensive searches and reviews within minutes compared to the days previously required. This translates to significant gains in efficiency and productivity for life science companies and CROs.

We are committed to continuously improving our solutions based on valuable feedback from our customers,” said Raj Vaghela, CEO at PubHive. “By reducing search and review times from days to minutes, we are empowering our customers to make informed decisions swiftly and effectively.

Example of Enhanced Functionality:

Imagine a scenario where you have a list of products and journals investigating the same molecule. With the Local Literature Auto-Tracker (LLAT) update, you can conduct a single bulk search for that molecule across all products and journals and complete the review process in a few clicks.

With PubHive’s Local Literature Automation, organizations can optimize their local literature management processes, reduce manual workload, and ensure compliance with ease. For more information about PubHive’s Local Literature Automation and other cutting-edge solutions, please visit the PubHive website at https://pubhive.com.