At a time of economic constraint it is essential that libraries can evaluate usage and make a compelling case about the value of journal subscriptions.
But obtaining and analyzing usage data can be extremely labour intensive for librarians, with each library having to visit each publisher’s website and download their own statistics.
Now 100 libraries are benefiting from the Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP) which offers single sign-in access to this crucial information.
The JUSP Portal provides a single point of access for usage statistics, meaning that users can easily and quickly compare usage across various publishers, subscription or academic years and journal titles.
Ben Showers, programme manager at JISC, said, “Libraries that use JUSP can now download usage statistics at the click of a button, transforming what used to be an arduous and time consuming task into an opportunity to interrogate and analyse business critical statistics. Librarians will be able to ensure that their management decisions are based on evidence and the evolving needs of their users.”
If you are a UK university and would like to participate please complete two copies of theLibrary Participation Agreement and return to Anna Vernon at JISC Collections.
Cliff Spencer, librarian at Newcastle University, said, “Evidence-based library decisions rely on the timely analysis of usage statistics. JUSP has quickly matured into a highly valued service largely due to the team’s skill in solving problems and presenting complex data within a clear and well-structured user interface.”
He added that the portal saves time and money by reducing the administration load on libraries and fitting in with workflow patterns.
Sarah Weston, data manager at the University of Portsmouth, said, “The project has a real community feel to it, in that it actively responds to user input and I think it is a really good example of collaborative working – something we should be striving towards to avoid us needing to reinvent the wheel! I think the team has worked very well with libraries in seeking their input.”
“The more publishers you can get on board the better!” said Kate Newell, e-resources and serials team leader at the University of Exeter, adding, “The JUSP portal is already proving to be invaluable to us.”
Visit the project website or contact Jo Lambert for more information