International content and digital services provider, Jouve, continues its longstanding commitment to innovation, with the launch of a new department dedicated to inspiring and developing pioneering technology. This new project aims to promote new business relationships with innovative start-ups, as well as encouraging entrepreneurial spirit among its staff.
Benoit Drigny has been appointed Group Director of Innovation. In his new role, Benoit will have the main challenge of creating an Innovation Department, which will allow the company to continue to identify new areas of growth, and to develop innovative projects using the new business models associated with emerging technologies.
The Innovation Department will comprise a support and an operational division. The support side will include evaluation and adding value, producing business models and business plans, reporting on the innovation portfolio, and promoting innovation via internal and external communication. The operational side will pilot selected projects and create partnerships with smaller companies working with innovative ideas and processes.
Benoit Drigny commented: “As a value driver for Jouve and our clients, innovation represents the future of our business. Within our ‘Innovation Garage’ we will strengthen communal initiatives and promote the emergence of ground-breaking new projects. The projects initiated by the Innovation Department are primed to represent more than 20% of the turnover of the Jouve Group within three years!”
Benoit will work with the strategic marketing department to aid creative teams and market visionaries both within and outside of the group, and will be responsible for partnerships and relationships with new businesses and start-ups.
A number of the themes which sit at the centre of these new challenges for businesses and consumers are currently being examined, including new user-behavior, content and formats, and mobility, security and monetization.
The creation of this dedicated department and this appointment, represent Jouve’s commitment to continually develop new innovations – a policy that has been at the centre of its strategy since the company’s formation.