Moving e-portfolios into the mainstream: new resources demonstrate how e-portfolios can transform the student journey
Today JISC launches three resources to help universities and colleges to implement e-portfolios effectively at scale created from successful practice from the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The materials explore the ways in which you can help to boost learner achievement, enhance employability and even support the development of new courses.
Key messages from from these resources have been synthesised in to a short guide, ‘Crossing the Threshold’ , which summarises the issues and benefits experienced by pioneer institutions and provides signposts to key aspects of the resources.
JISC programme manager Lisa Gray says that a review of both the toolkit and supporting videos gives a thorough, accessible introduction to implementing e-portfolio tools.
She said: “What shines out from the case studies is the enormous potential that e-portfolios offer, and the benefits that they deliver to students over and above what they might achieve on their own, via Facebook or some other platform.
“Many universities, colleges and professional bodies, are now exploring the potential of e-portfolios on a wider scale, but there have been few attempts to share good practice and celebrate successes.
At Southampton Solent University, the e-portfolio system called Mahara, has been integrated with the virtual learning environment to enable students on media courses to give full rein to their creative abilities and sell themselves to future employers.
Fiona Burton, careers advisor at Southampton Solent University, said: “Employers say they can’t find graduates with the appropriate skills. Using an e-portfolio they’ll be able to evidence those skills.”
The University of Wolverhampton is another example of an institution that has been exploring more innovative approaches to e-portfolios, and has found that learners studying remotely can evidence their achievements and experiences more clearly, and achieve qualifications via an e-portfolio system such as PebblePad.
In addition to developing short courses for employees of local businesses, the university has launched a new undergraduate law degree that is being delivered entirely through an e-portfolio tool.
Explore the toolkit and video case studies
Read Crossing the Threshold in a format that suits you
JISC have also recently released an effective practice guide for institutions that explores ways how they can respond flexibly to the need of a broader range of learners and meet the opportunities and challenges presented by lifelong learning called Effective Learning in a Digital Age.