IWA Publishing has signed a two-year pilot Read & Publish agreement with Jisc granting participating institutions full access to IWA Publishing journals and unlimited Open Access publication from 2020.
Article Processing Charges associated with accepted manuscripts will be automatically waived for corresponding authors affiliated with any of the participating Jisc institutions. Eligible authors wishing to take advantage of the fee-waiver for OA publishing in IWA Publishing journals have only to submit their manuscript using their university e-mail address and including their institutional affiliation.
IWA Publishing is actively forging new paths towards Open Access from transitioning journals to fully OA, launching new OA titles and pursuing strategic partnerships with institutions to enable our authors to publish OA as seamlessly as possible. This latest deal with Jisc is a major step in our shared mission to create a sustainable framework for Open Access publishing.
Rod Cookson, Managing Director of IWA Publishing says: ‘We are very excited to enter this partnership with Jisc. It will greatly increase the amount of Open Access content we publish by UK authors and do so at no additional cost to the universities involved’.
Kathryn Spiller, Licensing Manager at Jisc says: “We are delighted that the IWA Publishing has chosen to be one of the learned society publishers pushing the open access agenda by offering an affordable ‘read and publish’ agreement through Jisc from 2020”.