The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) first open access partner journal, High Voltage has been accepted for Clarivate Analytics’ Science Citation Index Expanded, (SCIE).
High Voltage was launched in 2016 in partnership with the China Electric Power Research Institute, (CEPRI) and supported by Tsinghua University, as the inaugural journal of the IET Open programme. Covering the topics of high-voltage power engineering and applications, including experimental, computational and theoretical studies, High Voltage was first acknowledged for impact in its field with its inclusion in Clarivate Analytics; Emerging Sources, Citation Index (ESCI).
The journal’s Editors-in-Chief, Professor Zhicheng Guan of Tsinghua University, China and Professor Masoud Farzaneh of Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), said: “We are very pleased that High Voltage has been accepted into SCIE. The management of power generation, transmission and consumption has an impact on our daily lives and therefore it is very important for academia and industry to have this platform to share their research findings and experience.”
Vincent Cassidy, Head of Academic Markets, said: “For High Voltage to be accepted into the Clarivate Analytics’ SCIE index within the first three years of its launch is a fantastic achievement.
“I’d like to express our thanks to our partners, CEPRI and all of the High Voltage team for their dedication and support in making this possible. As an Open Access journal, High Voltage offers unobstructed access to the latest content in this important field. Now, with its inclusion in the SCIE index, High Voltage will receive greater global exposure, making it easier for readers to discover articles, further their own research and accelerate innovation in industry.”
High Voltage is available on the IET’s Digital Library and IEEE XPlore with four issues per year. The journal covers the fields of electrical insulation, discharge and plasmas, pulsed power, high-field effects and high voltage engineering, which have promising applications across energy transmission, environmental protection, biomedicine and material treatment.
Find out more about High Voltage: https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/hve