The new partnership provides ICE Publishing authors with a wide range of language editing, figure redrawing and translation services. This arrangement ties into the existing long-term partnership where the Charlesworth Group provides agency sales and marketing services to ICE Publishing in China, with a single entity now supporting their product marketing and engagement with the Chinese author community.
Charlesworth Author Services will be available from article submission, through peer review to payment collection and will be presented to customers on both English and Mandarin webpages. The partnership will introduce workflow efficiencies for the publisher in terms of quality, time and cost, allowing ICE Publishing to receive higher-quality submissions from prospective authors. An additional benefit for our authors based in China will be the use of the author platform through Charlesworth’s exclusive WeChat services.
Michael Evans, Charlesworth Group CEO, comments: “We are delighted to extend our existing relationship with ICE Publishing to include the provision of language services for its worldwide author community. ICE Publishing is recognised as a leading publisher within the field of civil engineering. Charlesworth has a long history of delivering high-quality language editing services to the global academic community and we look forward to working with ICE to help introduce efficiencies into their editorial workflow and enrich the author journey.”
Mike Cookson, Head of Publishing at ICE Publishing, comments: “The growing importance of international submissions presents both opportunities and challenges in equal measure for journal publishers. By entering into this new partnership, we hope to further improve the quality of our journal submissions, while also providing greater support to the civil engineering community.”