BMJ Medicine’s mission is to create a healthier world through the publication of influential multispecialty medical research, reviews, and commentary, which have the potential to change practice or policy and improve public health and patient outcomes.
Fully launching in October 2021, BMJ Medicine will promote multidisciplinary discussion and debate suited to a broad international scientific and clinical readership.
In a world where people live longer with more complex comorbidities and where social determinants of health are leading to greater disparity in health outcomes, BMJ Medicine will create opportunities for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary conversations, and work in partnership with patients and the public to improve health.
Closely aligned with BMJ’s flagship journal, The BMJ, BMJ Medicine will adopt the values, editorial standards and author service for which The BMJ is renowned. It will offer a trusted open access home for multispecialty research, including research based on new and emergent methodologies.
BMJ Medicine will also publish articles on topical issues in statistics and research methods and reporting and in depth specialist reviews that focus on mechanisms of disease and the latest diagnostic and therapeutic advances.
At BMJ, we are committed to partnering with patients and the public. We believe this is the only way to ensure that medical journals are relevant, practical, and clinically impactful. BMJ Medicine will promote co-production of research and educational content, and articles will be reviewed by patients alongside traditional peer review. We will also work closely with The BMJ’s patient editor team and the broader patient community to continually develop our policies, processes and content.
Find out more about the journal in BMJ Medicine’s inaugural editorial published in The BMJ: Introducing BMJ Medicine
BMJ Medicine Editor-in-Chief, Dr Sophie Cook, commented:
“It’s an exciting time as we prepare to launch BMJ Medicine later this year. Closely aligned with The BMJ, BMJ Medicine will provide an important space for multidisciplinary discussion and debate. It will be of interest to readers around the world and will adopt the same values, high editorial standards and great author service for which The BMJ is renowned.”
BMJ Medicine: bmjmedicine.bmj.com