Future Medicine has today announced the launch of the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research – a new bimonthly title that provides a rapid-publication platform for debate and for the presentation of new findings in the field of comparative effectiveness research. London-based publishers Future Medicine are part of the Future Science group and are specialists in providing healthcare practitioners and research professionals with high-quality evaluated information.
The goal of comparative effectiveness research is to assist patients, physicians, purchasers, and policy makers to choose between available effective treatments in order to improve healthcare delivery at the level of the individual and on a population scale. The underlying question in undertaking comparative effectiveness research is – which treatment will work best, in which patient, and under what circumstances? Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research draws upon a variety of disciplinary perspectives to apply scientific principles to one of the pressing challenges of the 21st century.
The editorial direction of Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research is the responsibility of Senior Editors, Prof. Sheldon Greenfield (University of California, Irvine) and Dr Eugene Rich (Mathematica Policy Research, Washington DC). The Senior Editors are supported by a team of six Associate Editors, together with an Advisory Panel of 40 international experts.
Setting the scene in their introductory Foreword to the launch issue, Prof. Greenfield and Dr Rich state, “Through rigorous evaluation and comprehensive coverage, the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research provides stakeholders (including patients, clinicians, payers and health policymakers) with the key data and opinions to make informed and specific decisions relevant to clinical practice.” They comment further, “A broad range of disciplines have relevant methodological expertise and perspectives. Thus, interdisciplinary research must be brought to bear to address these challenging questions. We hope that the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research will attract submissions that cross disciplinary lines in ways that other journals may not.”
Elisa Manzotti, Editorial Director at Future Medicine, said, “Comparative effectiveness research has become a major focus for all those involved in healthcare delivery. Ultimately, it is the recipient of care, the patient, who will benefit most from better informed decision making. We are delighted to be working with Prof. Greenfield and Dr Rich to create this new platform for dissemination of topical, concise information and commentary on all aspects of comparative effectiveness research. The journal publishes both original research and reviews, with all submitted articles subjected to rigorous and constructive peer review by at least three independent referees.”