Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, is pleased to announce the launch of a new open access journal Reviews in Physics.
Reviews in Physics is the first open access journal publishing only review papers in all areas of (applied) physics. The journal provides a platform for researchers who wish to summarize a field of physics research and share this work globally and as widely as possible.
While in most review journals authors must be invited to write a review, researchers Reviews in Physics welcomes all researchers to proactively submit their paper.
Handling editors of the journal are: Dr. Tommaso Dorigo, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Padova, Italy and Professor Nai-Chang Yeh, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA. They are joined by an Advisory Board of experienced physicists and representatives of leading physics departments Physics departments around the world.
Dr. Dorigo commented, “The specialization of modern scientific disciplines has made it hard for scientists to keep up to date with recent developments in subfields different from their own. I am quite happy to be an editor of the new journal Reviews in Physics, as I consider its scope and format perfectly suited to increase the dissemination of knowledge in physics.”
Yeh said, “Reviews in Physics is designed to fill the voids of current physics publications by offering an open-access journal for timely publication of short topical review articles. We believe that Reviews in Physics will play a distinct role in providing the readers with not only timely survey of rapidly developing research fields but also sufficient knowledge base for beginners.”
Jan Willem Wijnen, Publisher of the journal, added, “Reviews in Physics aims to showcase a collection of authoritative papers about our current understanding of physics and make these openly available for everyone. I am delighted to see so much support from the physics community for the launch of this journal.”
For more information or to submit an article, go to www.journals.elsevier.com/reviews-in-physics
– See more at: http://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/research-and-journals/elsevier-announces-the-launch-of-open-access-journal-reviews-in-physics-revip#sthash.eXGapNVQ.dpuf