EDP Sciences and the American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology (AmSECT) are delighted to announce a new publishing partnership. From 1 January 2023, the Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology(JECT), AmSECT’s flagship publication, will be published by EDP Sciences. The partners are also pleased to announce that from the same time, JECT will become a fully gold open access journal ensuring the highest possible accessibility to quality research in the field of Perfusion. To support this move to open access, AmSECT will fully fund the cost of article processing charges (APCs) for AmSECT members. Another benefit of the partnership is an agreement to digitize the JECTarchives which date back to 1967 and contain a wealth of valuable content.
JECT is the longest, continuously published periodical in the field of Perfusion and has hitherto been self-published by AmSECT based in Chicago, IL, USA. It has served as the official publication of AmSECT since 1967 and supports a global community of perfusionists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, and researchers in these fields where technology evolves continually. Its international editorial board is comprised of leading experts from several countries.
Speaking on the new agreement, Agnès Henri, Managing Director, EDP Sciences, said, “we are honored to be chosen by AmSECT as the publisher for JECT. We are excited to work with the society and editorial team to build on the influence and impact built over many years, and see a very strong and sustainable future for it as it moves to be fully open access.”
Kim Wiatr, Executive Director, AmSECT, said, “although JECT has been proudly self-published for more than 55 years, we realize that there are limitations to self-publication, especially in terms of visibility and impact. It was therefore important for us to find the right partner to support us in taking the journal to the next level of quality and professionalism and therefore increasing the journal’s value to members and its stature in scholarly communication.” Tami Rosenthal, President of AmSECT continued, “We are delighted that JECT has found a new home with EDP Sciences, an open access specialist. We look forward to the next exciting phase of the journal’s development, including digitization of the archives which could not have been possible before now.”
Dr. Raymond Wong, Editor in Chief of JECT said, “I look forward to working with EDP Sciences to strengthen and grow our international reputation. We are delighted to transition JECT to be fully open access, this move will ensure greater visibility and impact for the high-quality research that we publish, strengthening the journal’s contribution to perfusion research for the benefit of all.”
EDP Sciences is an established open access, society publisher and offers a comprehensive suite of flexible services to learned societies with publishing programs. Existing partners are located throughout the world and serve a range of disciplines.