ebrary continues to expand its flagship subscription database Academic Complete™ with 1,500 high quality titles from prestigious publisher John Wiley & Sons. The new content focuses on academic reading levels, and covers Wiley’s most prestigious imprints, including Bloomberg Press, Josey-Bass, Wiley, Wiley-Blackwell, Wrox, Sybex, and more. Academic Complete serves as a foundational, growing collection with more than 86,300 scholarly titles from which libraries can pinpoint patron needs and drive strategic e-book acquisition.
ebrary is also celebrating its 10th anniversary! With continual feedback from libraries on why they choose Academic Complete – the top ten reasons include:
A platform built for e-books – including DASH!™ (Data Sharing, Fast) and free dedicated mobile apps for Android™ and the iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
More discoverability – integration on the ProQuest platform, indexed in the Summon® service, and deal signed with OCLC for WorldCat Local
More usage data – the most-used titles aren’t always the most recent
The most university presses
More important publishers – including top YBP 100 publishers like Taylor & Francis and Palgrave Macmillan
More core titles – like Doody’s Core Titles in the Health Sciences
More CHOICE Outstanding Academic Titles
More careful content selection by our expert librarians
More awards – Library Journal’s Best E-book Database, CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, CODiE finalist for Best Service using Aggregated Content
More reviews for great content