Open Access

Wiley Announces New Open Access Journal: Energy Science & Engineering

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., today announced the launch of Energy Science & Engineering as part of the Wiley Open Access publishing program. The...

Apress unveils open access book publishing program for the tech community

Apress, a leading publisher of technology books, announces the launch of ApressOpen, a program that offers technology companies and professionals the opportunity to publish...

Free electronic access to publications for the REF 2014: Excellent progress made by PLS...

Publishers in the UK and abroad have shown their support for the Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF), the new system for assessing the quality...

SCOAP3 Open Access Initiative launched at CERN

Representatives from the science funding agencies and library communities of 29 countries are meeting at CERN1 today to launch the SCOAP32 Open Access initiative. Open Access...

Springer to convert two journals in high energy physics to open access

The SCOAP3 consortium (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), which aims to convert journals in high energy physics to open access,...

Elsevier Launches New Open Access Journal – NeuroImage: Clinical

Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, announces the launch of NeuroImage: Clinical, a new open access journal,...

SCOAP3 Article Processing Charges announced

As part of the SCOAP3 tendering process conducted by CERN for the benefit of SCOAP3, the agreed-upon Article Processing Charges (APCs) for SCOAP3 participating journals are now...

Poacher turns gamekeeper as first issue from ‘gold’ open access publisher Social Sciences Directory...

Just nine months after its creation, UK-based ‘gold’ open access publisher Social Sciences Directory announces the publication of its first issue on September 24th...

Oxford University Press title joins new model for open access publishing

Oxford University Press (OUP) is pleased to announce that Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP) has been identified for participation in SCOAP3 (Sponsoring...

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research embraces open access

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) today announced the membership agreement with BioMed Central and SpringerOpen. Publication costs for research articles published by...

RSC pledges £1 million aid for UK chemical science researchers to publish OA papers

Yet again the RSC has demonstrated its foresight in the world of scientific publishing. To support the transition to Open Access (OA), the RSC recently...

BioMed journals publish articles from ENCODE genomics project

The completion of the human genome project in 2003 was an immeasurably important milestone, but (like an book written in code) left many biologists...