Sage expands its portfolio by acquiring Cambridge Business Publishers
Sage continues to build its portfolio in business and management by acquiring Cambridge Business Publishers, a US-based provider of college textbooks and technology focused on accounting and finance courses.
The MIT Press releases report on the future of open access publishing and policy
Today, the MIT Press is releasing a comprehensive report that addresses how open access policies shape research and what is needed to maximize their positive impact on the research ecosystem. The report, entitled “Access to Science & Scholarship 2024: Building an Evidence Base to Support the Future of Open Research Policy,” is the outcome of a National Science Foundation-funded workshop held at the D.C. headquarters of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on September 20, 2024.
SSP Launches the Inaugural EPIC Awards to Recognize Excellence in Scholarly Publishing, Technology, and...
The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is excited to announce the launch of the SSP EPIC Awards, a premier awards program designed to celebrate outstanding achievements in scholarly publishing, information technology, and communications.
The Company of Biologists renews Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Bibsam...
The Company of Biologists is delighted to announce the renewal of our five journal Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Bibsam Consortium. The three-year agreement, which runs from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027, ensures that corresponding authors at participating institutions in Sweden can continue to publish an uncapped number of research articles immediately Open Access.
Karger Publishers Expands Its Open Access Portfolio with New Journal for Maternal and Children’s...
Introducing Maternal and Children’s Health, Karger’s latest Open Access journal. The new peer-reviewed journal will focus on research in the periconceptional, perinatal, and neonatal periods of pregnancy, and on the development of the child to emerging adulthood and beyond.
ResearchGate and MIT announce Journal Home agreement
ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, today announced a new Journal Home agreement with the MIT Press, one of the largest and most distinguished university presses in the world.
STM Report: Trusted Identity in Academic Publishing
As the digital landscape evolves, the foundational trust that has long supported academic publishing faces new vulnerabilities. Rising cases of identity fraud and integrity breaches are challenging the scholarly community to protect research integrity without imposing unnecessary burdens on genuine contributors.
PLOS Partners with CLOCKSS to Safeguard its Journals: A Milestone in Open-Access Preservation
PLOS (Public Library of Science) has played a pivotal role in advancing open-access publishing, promoting the goal of making scientific knowledge freely available to all. By eliminating barriers to access, PLOS has enabled researchers, scholars, and the public to engage with important research without the hindrance of paywalls.
Clarivate Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report
Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, has today published its fourth annual sustainability report, showcasing its commitment to sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
New AI-based natural language feature makes complex searches in Dimensions faster and easier
Digital Science is pleased to announce that its flagship product Dimensions, the world’s most complete database of linked research information, is launching a beta to explore the responsible use of a new AI-based Natural Language to Query technology.
Clarivate Launches New Sustainability Research Solution
Clarivate Plc, a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today announced the launch of ProQuestTM One Sustainability. The new solution is an expansive, curated, multi-format content collection designed to meet the growing demand for sustainability curricula across research, teaching and learning.
Springer Nature Launches Latin American Research Advisory Council, Expanding Global Partnerships with Researchers
Springer Nature announced that it has founded a Latin American Research Advisory Council (LARAC) to better support and collaborate with researchers in the region. This joins the publisher’s existing research advisory councils in Africa (ARAC), Europe (ERAC), Japan (JRAF), Korea (KRAF), and the United States (USRAC).