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JMIR Publications and Society of Digital Psychiatry Partner to Advance Digital Mental Health Research

JMIR Publications and the Society of Digital Psychiatry (SODP) have announced a new partnership aimed at advancing research in the field of digital mental health. This collaboration will focus on supporting education and knowledge sharing in the fast moving world of digital psychiatry and establishing priorities for the space, including identifying current gaps in knowledge and determining areas for future study, with particular emphasis on addressing disparities in access to care. 

Educational Research Institute of Slovenia forms publishing agreement with Frontiers  

The Educational Research Institute of Slovenia has formed an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing with Frontiers. This institutional agreement means that eligible Educational Research Institute researchers may publish in any Frontiers journal at no cost to them and with a simplified process. Articles may benefit from a 10% membership discount. 

Building a more sustainable future through Open Access research

Earlier this year, PLOS joined over 290 other publishers in signing the UN SDG Publisher’s Compact, an agreement to inspire action among publishers in advancing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by actively seeking and promoting scientific content related to the goals, as well as committing to sustainable actions across our business. 

The Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration & Innovation signs significant agreement with Oxford University...

Oxford University Press (OUP) has today announced a new agreement with the Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration & Innovation (PALCI). Under the agreement, more than 500,000 users at PALCI’s member institutions will benefit from increased access to OUP’s high-quality scholarly content via Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO).

Cambridge open access fees waived for over 100 countries

Academics from 107 low- and middle-income countries will be able to publish their research open access in Cambridge journals at no cost to them. The Cambridge Open Equity Initiative allows scholars to reach the widest possible audience by making open access a free option for them.

STM Solutions releases MVP of new paper mill detection tool

Today, STM Solutions, the operational arm of STM, announced the release of the MVP (minimal viable product) of a paper mill detection tool as part of the STM Integrity Hub. It is a stand-alone web application where submitted journal manuscripts can be uploaded and checked for a variety of signals indicative of paper mills. 

Association for Computing Machinery agreement “a significant step forward for open access in the...

New deal enables authors to publish research open access without article processing charges (APCs) and gives institutions unlimited access to the ACM Digital Library. On behalf of the UK’s higher education and research sector, Jisc has signed an open publish and read deal with ACM, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society.

Knowledge Unlatched Presents Open Access Heroes 2023 and Usage Increase of 30%

Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the international initiative for Open Access (OA) celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, has announced OA Heroes 2023, which highlights the countries, institutions, publishers, disciplines, and scholarly titles seeing the most usage worldwide.

Science journals integrate Dryad to simplify data deposition and strengthen scientific reproducibility

The Science family journals have announced a partnership with the nonprofit data repository Dryad that simplifies the process by which authors deposit data underlying new work – a critical step to facilitating data’s routine reuse. The partnership is yet another step taken by the Science journals to ensure data the scientific community requires to verify, replicate and reanalyze new research is openly available.

ACS Publications reaches major ‘read and publish’ milestone, expanding open access offerings

The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is excited to announce that as of March 29, more than 1,000 academic institutions are supported by a “read and publish” agreement with the Society. These agreements afford members of participating organizations unlimited access to all ACS journal content and a more seamless avenue for open access publishing.

New Simba Report Unveils Top Trends for Professional and Scholarly E-Book Publishing Market

Launching from Simba Information is the new report, Global Professional and Scholarly E-Book Publishing 2022-2026. This study assesses business performance and emerging trends in the five major professional and scholarly e-book segments: Scientific & Technical; Medical; Legal; Business; and Social Science & Humanities.

The Climate Governance Initiative and 67 Bricks embark on the creation of a new...

The Climate Governance Initiative and 67 Bricks are pleased to announce their new partnership as part of their ongoing mission to support board directors to lead the conversation on climate change.