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Emerald launches Video Abstracts to showcase research

Emerald Group Publishing, a leading publisher of global research, has announced the launch of its Video Abstracts Showcase, an exciting new initiative that provides...

Springer in book partnership with American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy

Springer has signed a co-development partnership with the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) for the publication of books to be included...

National Library of France Chooses EBSCO Discovery Service

Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), the National Library of France has selected EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) as its library discovery solution. As a long time EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO)...

CABI upgrades Research for Development portal with better search features

Researchers now have faster and easier access to information on development projects, thanks to an upgrade to the Department for International Development’s (DFID) website. For...

RSC Publishing supports Japanese Shibboleth

RSC Publishing is pleased to announce that it is developing the RSC Publishing Platform to work with Shibboleth institutions all over the world giving customers...

Publishing Technology ends year with 50 new publisher contracts

Publishing Technology plc, the largest provider of software and services to the publishing industry, is finishing the year on a positive note by announcing its most...

Springer announces goal-directed competition for original applications using Springer APIs

Springer announces the Springer API (Application Programming Interface) Challenge 2.0, its second competition for original, non-commercial applications using its freely available metadata and content...

RSC celebrates 170 years of publishing

The Royal Society of Chemistry celebrates 170 years of publishing today with the awarding of a Chemical Landmark plaque at the learned society's office...

EBSCO Publishing and OpenEdition in deal to bring OA content in humanities and social...

Content from the French open access publishing platform openedition.org (OpenEdition) will be searchable through EBSCO Discovery Service™ from EBSCO Publishing. OpenEdition is made up of three community publishing...

Mike Reece appointed new Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Applied Ceramics

Maney Publishing is pleased to announce Mike Reece, Professor of Functional Ceramics at Queen Mary, University of London, UK, as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Advances...

New RIN report looks at information handling in collaborative research

The UK's Research Information Network (RIN) has released a new report that looks at how researchers access, use and disseminate information in collaborations between higher education...

EBSCO Publishing Wins Silver in Best in Biz Awards 2011

EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) fromEBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) has been named the silver winner in Best New Service of the Year in Best in Biz...