Edward Elgar Publishing and Deanta Announce Next-Level Strategic Partnership
Edward Elgar Publishing, one of the UK's leading independent academic & professional publishers, and Deanta, a renowned publishing solutions provider, today announced a strategic partnership that will allow Edward Elgar to license Deanta's AI XML-first production workflow platform, Lanstad.
IOP Publishing launches series of open access journals dedicated to machine learning and artificial...
IOP Publishing (IOPP) is launching the world’s first series of open access journals dedicated to the application and development of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) for the sciences. The new multidisciplinary Machine Learning series will collectively cover applications of ML and AI across the physical sciences, engineering, biomedicine and health, and environmental and earth science.
IEEE Journals Lead the Field in the Latest Citation Rankings
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization advancing technology for humanity, announced today that its journals once again excelled in the journal citation rankings according to the latest Journal Citation Reports™ from Clarivate Analytics and CiteScore™ metrics by Scopus, both released in June 2024.
Wiley Appoints Matthew Kissner as President and CEO
Wiley, a global leader in research and learning, today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Matthew Kissner as president and CEO, following a successful interim period. “Over the past nine months, Matt has made great progress improving our organization, accelerating our value creation plans, driving strong momentum in our core, and rallying around new AI opportunities,” said Jesse Wiley, chair of the board. “As an experienced C-suite operator and Wiley veteran, he brings a deep understanding of our markets, customers, operations, financials, and people – all of which has been evident in our material progress.”
Frontiers expands partnership options for institutions with fully OA flat fee model
Frontiers, a leading open access publisher dedicated to scientific advancement, announced the roll-out of its flat fee open access model for institutions. As a pioneer of open access publishing since 2007, Frontiers has extensive experience in co-developing partnership models with a wide range of institutions based on their individual research and budgetary needs.
Karger Publishers Expands Open Access Options with More Subscribe to Open Journals
For a third year, Karger Publishers will continue its S2O program by adding two more journals with promise to accelerate toward Open Access (OA), European Addiction Research and Neurodegenerative Diseases, in 2025. By adding these two journals, Karger is offering OA content to more fields and communities where free and immediate online availability of research, independently of APCs or funding, is beneficial to scientific and societal progress.
American Association of Respiratory Care and Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Sign Co-publishing Agreement Facilitated...
The American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC), and global media company, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., have entered into a new co-publishing agreement for the Association’s flagship journal, Respiratory Care. The partnership was facilitated by leading scholarly publishing advisors, KGL Consulting, part of KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
SPARC Europe is embarking on a year-long process to create a broader open agenda...
With 20 years of action in the Open space, SPARC Europe is embarking on a year-long process to create a broader open agenda by connecting Open Science and Open Education. Making this connection has benefits for research, education and society. Through this work, SPARC Europe will help European public universities realise the value of open, equitable and fair access to knowledge for all.
NISO Publishes Recommended Practice for the Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) today announced the publication of the Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) Recommended Practice (NISO RP-45-2024). Funding for the CREC Working Group as well as for research at the University of Illinois' Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science (RISRS) project, which aided Working Group deliberations and decisions, was generously provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
RLUK and The National Archives sign collaboration agreement
RLUK is delighted to have signed a collaboration agreement with The National Archives for the period 2024-2027. The agreement continues our joint work under our previous Memorandum of Understanding, and underlines our shared commitment to cross-sector collaboration, driving innovation and workforce development in our sectors, and exploring new ways to engage audiences with our collections and services.
ResearchGate and CABI announce Journal Home partnership
ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, and CABI, an international, intergovernmental, not-for-profit scientific research and publishing organisation, today announced a new partnership that will increase the visibility of CABI’s research journals through ResearchGate’s innovative Journal Home offering.
PLOS Announces New Publishing Agreement with Colombian Consortium
The Public Library of Science (PLOS) is pleased to announce a consortium agreement with Consorcio Colombia / Consortia facilitated by Accucoms, that allows joining member institutions to participate in PLOS’ three innovative publishing models across all 14 PLOS titles. The agreement provides researchers from affiliated institutions unlimited publishing privileges in PLOS journals without incurring fees.