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New open access agreement between the University of California and Taylor & Francis

The University of California (UC) and Taylor & Francis today announced a memorandum of understanding for a four-year read and publish agreement that will make it easier and more affordable for UC researchers to publish open access (OA) articles in nearly 2,500 Taylor & Francis journals.

SciScore to check for adherence to experimental rigor and reporting requirements in several American...

An earlier pilot project found that the use of SciScore, an AI-based tool, to evaluate submitted manuscripts was effective in improving several aspects of rigor of research articles, prompting the expansion of SciScore to more titles.

Update on UKRI’s journey to open access

UKRI provides updates on the open access policy, including monitoring and evaluation, monographs book chapters and edited collections and technical requirements.

Indiana University selects Symplectic Elements as faculty activity reporting system

Digital Science, a technology company serving stakeholders across the research ecosystem, is pleased to announce that Indiana University has selected Symplectic Elements as its new faculty activity management and reporting system.

IOP Publishing expands its open access environmental portfolio with Environmental Research: Water

IOP Publishing (IOPP) is launching Environmental Research: Watera new open access (OA) journal which offers an interdisciplinary forum for researchers working to achieve water sustainability globally. Environmental Research: Water is the ninth journal in IOPP’s expanding Environmental Research series, which is built on its renowned journal Environmental Research Letters.

Taylor & Francis Announces Enhanced Model for Collaborative OA Books Funding Initiative, Pledge to...

Taylor & Francis has launched the second year of Pledge to Open, its collaborative funding initiative for open access (OA) books, with additional benefits for pledging institutions. Following the success of the pilot phase, organizations are invited to support seven new book collections on key contemporary themes, including children’s health, AI, and migration.

ResearchGate and Copernicus Publications announce new Journal Home partnership

ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, and Copernicus Publications, a highly innovative open access publisher, today announced a new partnership to increase the reach and engagement with Copernicus’ research through Journal Home.

Charlesworth Partners with JAMA Network to Boost Visibility of their Publishing Program in China...

Charlesworth, an expert in the Chinese publishing market, is delighted to announce its collaboration with the JAMA Network to enhance the visibility of their publishing programme in China. As part of this strategic partnership, Charlesworth will establish a WeChat account for the JAMA Network, allowing them to more easily commicate with researchers and medical professionals in China.

PLOS and DTH-Lab partner to increase youth participation in science

The Public Library of Science (PLOS) and the Digital Transformations for Health Lab (DTH-Lab) today announced a strategic partnership between the organizations to increase youth participation in science to include mentorship opportunities, amplifying youth voices in scientific publishing and building a body of research in digital health citizenship with a mini-collection.

Aries Systems and Clear Skies Partner to Enable Paper Mill Detection in Editorial Workflows

Aries Systems Corporation, a leading provider of workflow management technologies for the scholarly publishing community, and Clear Skies, the industry-leader in paper mill detection, announce their partnership to offer publishers an advanced research fraud detection solution directly within in the editorial workflow.

Cactus Communications appoints Akhilesh Ayer as new CEO

Cactus Communications (CACTUS), a leading science communication and technology company, has announced the appointment of Akhilesh Ayer as its new Chief Executive Officer. Abhishek Goel, founder and outgoing CEO will continue to serve as a board member and transition into the role of Chief Mentor.

ResearchGate and Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. announce new Journal Home Partnership for open access...

ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, and Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., a global media company dedicated to creating, curating, and delivering impactful peer-reviewed research and authoritative content services, are pleased to announce a new partnership through ResearchGate’s innovative Journal Home offering.