First South African Customer to Choose Ex Libris Alma for Optimizing Library Services
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, is pleased to announce that South Africa’s Stellenbosch University (SU) has chosen the Ex Libris Alma® resource management service to complement the library’s Ex Libris Primo® discovery and delivery solution.
Institutional library budgets set to increase, global study concludes
Institutional library budgets across the globe will increase by 1.4 per cent overall this year, reports the Annual Library Budget Survey, carried out by...
White Rose Libraries in the UK select OCLC Sustainable Collection Services for collaborative print...
The White Rose Libraries, a long-standing collaboration among the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York, have selected OCLC Sustainable Collection Services to assist in...
Emerald offers free access to selected research on libraries transformation
In celebration of National Library Week, Emerald Group Publishing, global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society, is offering free access to...
OCLC and the National Library of the Netherlands sign long-term agreement to serve public...
OCLC and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), the National Library of the Netherlands, signed a new long-term partnership agreement today for metadata management and discovery...
West Virginia University selects OCLC WorldShare Management Services
West Virginia University Libraries, which serves more than 31,000 students and comprises five libraries and the WVU Press, has selected OCLC WorldShare Management Services...
Austrian Library Network Selects Ex Libris Alma
Ex Libris Group, a leading global provider of cloud-based solutions for higher education, is pleased to announce that the Austrian Library Network (OBV) has...
OCLC prints last library catalog cards
OCLC printed its last library catalog cards and some posters from a nearby agency today (check out their awesome moon poster), officially closing the...
OCLC to launch linked data pilot with seven leading libraries
OCLC is working with seven leading libraries in a pilot program designed to learn more about how linked data will influence library workflows in...
New Community Center offers a place online for library staff to share ideas about...
The new OCLC Community Center offers a place for library staff to connect online, share best practices, stay up to date on new product...
Four Kentucky university libraries select OCLC WorldShare Management Services
Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky State University, Northern Kentucky University and the University of Louisville have selected OCLC WorldShare Management Services as their library management...
EBSCO announcing a significant investment in the library workflow with the acquisition of YBP...
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is announcing a significant investment in the library workflow with the acquisition of YBP Library Services (YBP) from Baker &Taylor.