Eastern Michigan University Goes Live with Alma and Summon Integration
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, is pleased to announce that Eastern Michigan University has gone live with the Ex Libris Alma® library services platform integrated with the Ex Libris Summon® discovery service.
Library users in Israel can now access Springer Nature’s MyCopy service
Springer Nature’s MyCopy service is now available for library users in Israel. MyCopy allows patrons of registered libraries to order a softcover copy of a Springer eBook for a flat fee of 24.99 (USD, GBP, EURO, CHF).
Arizona Universities Library Consortium Selects Ex Libris Alma, Primo, and bX Solutions
Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, is pleased to announce that the Arizona Universities Library Consortium (AULC) has chosen the Ex Libris Alma® library management service, along with the Ex Libris Primo® discovery and delivery platform and bX® scholarly recommender service
Carnegie Mellon University Partners with Digital Science to Create a C21st Library
Digital Science, a technology company serving the needs of scientific and research communities, today announced Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) as a key customer and development partner.
Jisc and OCLC partner to build new UK-wide service that will transform library collaboration
As part of delivering on the vision of a UK national digital library, Jisc and OCLC announce a partnership to build a new shared service that will aggregate academic bibliographic data at scale, improving library collection management and resource discovery for students and researchers.
Dr. Sebastian Muller new Sales Director at OCLC
OCLC GmbH announced today that Sebastian Müller has joined the organization as its new Sales Director for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He takes over the role previously held by Andreas Schmidt, who became General Manager in July.
Talis and YBP Library Services partner to provide more choice to academic libraries in...
YBP Library Services (YBP), a division of EBSCO Information Services , has partnered with Talis to bring more choice, and increased efficiencies, for course reading list driven library acquisitions and collection development.
Axiell acquires BiBer and becomes the largest privately-owned vendor for libraries in Europe
Axiell, the leading vendor to public libraries in Europe and the market leader in Scandinavia, today announces its acquisition of BiBer GmbH, a full service provider to public libraries in Germany and Switzerland, offering Bibliothekssystems BIBDIA, an advanced hosting and library logistics solution.
New Wales-wide library management system will foster greater collaboration
A new library management system which will promote collaboration between cross-sector libraries in Wales was celebrated at an event in the National Assembly.
The new bilingual library management system will deliver cost benefits, greater collaboration, and the potential to share collections throughout Wales.
Baker and Taylor’s collectionHQ Dashboard available now
collectionHQ, the world's leading collection performance improvement solution has today announced the release of its new Dashboard that enables users to monitor the progress of collection management tasks and identify changes in circulation and turnover over time.
OCLC WMS global user community gathers in Dublin to discuss best practices and share...
More than 120 library professionals from around the world are meeting at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio, to offer best practices and discuss their experiences with WorldShare Management Services (WMS), the cloud based cooperative library management system.
Open eBooks announces compatibility with Clever: new way for students to get started with...
As millions of children across the country head back to school, educators also have a new opportunity to introduce young readers to Open eBooks, the ground-breaking e-reader app that makes thousands of popular, top-selling eBooks available to children in need for free.