Just days left to register for LII 2016 – Happening 6th and 7th...
London Info International 2016 opens the doors to its conference and exhibition in a few days. The global information community will gather there next week. We have just published an updated list of organisations and participants….we are looking forward to welcoming all our delegates, visitors, sponsors, exhibitors and partners from all over the world to London. If you haven’t done so already register today here
The University Press Redux Conference to continue
Following the success of the founding University Press Redux conference, organised by Liverpool University Press (LUP) and held in March 2016, The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) are delighted to announce they will now be partnering with presses to deliver the event every two years.
Wiley Becomes First Major Publisher to Require ORCID IDs for Submitting Authors
John Wiley & Sons Inc, announced today plans to require ORCID iDs as part of the manuscript submission process for a large number of journals. Beginning in winter 2016, more than 500 Wiley journals using ScholarOne Manuscripts will require the submitting author (only) to provide an ORCID identifier (iD) when submitting a manuscript.
Springer Nature provides Italian universities hit by earthquake free access to electronic content
Springer Nature will open its digital resources to two Italian universities affected by the earthquakes of this past August and October. In addition to the journal titles to which they already subscribe, Università degli Studi di Camerino and Università degli Studi di Macerata will gain access to all Springer and Nature journals until the end of June 2017.
Shaping the nanoscience landscape – IOP Publishing launches Nano Futures
IOP Publishing is pleased to announce the launch of Nano Futures, a new high-impact, multidisciplinary journal that will be positioned through an editorial policy geared strictly to capturing groundbreaking, future-oriented research with long term influence for nanoscience.
Emerald Gears Up for Growth
Emerald Group Holdings Limited (Emerald) - the global knowledge business that brings research to life - has positioned itself for further growth after agreeing a £27.5m financing package with Barclays and HSBC.
The IET launches new open access program, IET Open
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) today announced the launch of a new open access program, IET Open. The creation of the program underpins the IET’s commitment to supporting open science across engineering disciplines to progress research across all areas.
IOP Publishing partners with Altmetric to improve author services
IOP Publishing has announced a new partnership with Altmetric and Digital Science, to provide its authors and readers with a deeper understanding of how published research is being used and discussed.
Authors and readers will be able to view the online attention surrounding each publication via the Altmetric badges embedded into article pages.
New study proposes pragmatic scenario for transitioning the publication system towards Open Access
For the first time, a study has developed scenarios for restructuring transitioning Switzerland's scientific publication system towards Open Access (OA).
The study was initiated by the SNSF in collaboration with the Scientific Information programme (SUC P-2) run by swissuniversities. It recommends a model that proposes a pragmatic and flexible way of making publicly funded research freely available at no charge and with no delay.
Wolters Kluwer Completes Acquisition of Emmi
Wolters Kluwer Health announces that it has today completed the acquisition of Emmi Solutions for a total net consideration of $170 million (€158 million) in cash following termination of the waiting period under the U.S. Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. The agreement to acquire Emmi was originally announced on October 4, 2011
Outsell, Inc. and the Society for Scholarly Publishing Partner to Provide Members with Preferred...
Outsell, Inc., the world’s only research and advisory firm focused on media, information, and technology, announces a partnership with the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) to provide its members preferred pricing for Outsell’s Market Intelligence Service.
Nature Index shows significant increase in UK and EU collaboration
The index’s data show that, on average, cross-channel partnerships were producing 26% more high-quality research in 2015 than in 2012, with the average collaboration score, as calculated by the Nature Index, increasing from 120 to 152. In contrast, the score for UK collaborations with the rest of the world has remained between 40 and 50 since 2012.