Established Journal Evolutionary Applications to Publish Under Open Access Model
Wiley-Blackwell, today announced that Evolutionary Applications has joined the Wiley Open Access publishing program. All newly published articles in the journal will be open access and free to...
The Future of Peer Review
Source TechCrunch - This guest post was written by Richard Price, founder and CEO of — a site that serves as a platform for academics to share their...
IOS Press signs deal with ACCUCOMS for representation in Turkey
STM publisher IOS Press has signed an exclusive agreement with ACCUCOMS for sales representation in Turkey. ACCUCOMS now represents IOS Press in Turkey, Italy...
JISC Collections report examines value of library resources for academics
JISC Collections has published a report on ‘UK Scholarly Reading and the Value of Library Resources’ based on research carried out by Professor Carol...
NISO Publishes White Paper on the Future Standardisation Needs for Electronic Resource Management Systems
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of Making Good on the Promise of ERM: A Standards and Best Practices Discussion Paper. This...
Elsevier and Russian Foundation of Basic Research Sign SciVerse ScienceDirect Access Agreement
Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced it has reached an agreement with the Russian Foundation...
Results of the EC public consultation on scientific information in the digital age
The public consultation on scientific information in the digital age, which was recently undertaken by the European Commission, spurred great interest among a variety...
OCLC and Elsevier sign agreement to provide full-text searching of SciVerse ScienceDirect journals and...
OCLC and Elsevier, a leading provider of scientific, technical and medical (STM) information products and services worldwide, have signed an agreement that will make...
Faculty of 1000 introduces a novel OA venture: F1000 Research
Faculty of 1000 (F1000) today announces F1000 Research, a new fully Open Access publishing program across biology and medicine that will launch later this...
NPG launches interactive global science calendar
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) has launched an expanded online calendar of global scientific events. The calendar provides users with a new way to search...
Researchers agree on standard for data sharing across the world
New standards allow disparate data sets to integrate
Led by researchers at University of Oxford (UK) and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) at Harvard...
Report identifies contemporary challenges faced by physical science researchers
Research councils, publishing houses, libraries and learned societies need to tailor their efforts to help physical scientists gather, manage and share research information.
Following interviews...