Pioneering OA agreement in Asia signed between Springer Nature and Japanese universities, including the...
Springer Nature has agreed the largest Transformative Agreement in Japan with 10 institutions participating in an innovative pilot. This will see nearly 900 articles published OA in the coming year, marking a significant step forward to Open Science in the region.
Crimson Interactive (Enago) acquires The Charlesworth Group, creating a powerhouse in China’s publishing ecosystem.
Crimson Interactive (Enago) announced the acquisition of The Charlesworth Group, a company with headquarters in the UK and known for its China-focused language polishing, agency sales, marketing services and technology offerings. Enago is a trusted name in author services for the global research community. For close to two decades, the company has been a preferred partner for publishers, universities, societies and authors worldwide.
ALPSP Mentorship Scheme open for applications
The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) is delighted to announce the launch of its next Mentorship Scheme. Applications are now open and will close on 23 December. Aimed at connecting colleagues across our network and to create a collaborative conversation between participants which benefits all who are involved, this scheme is free for all mentees within ALPSP membership organizations, and mentors are encouraged from both member and non-member organizations.
AAAS Survey: Many Researchers Face Difficulties Paying Open Access Fees
To better drive scientific innovation and apply lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, federal policymakers are exploring methods to increase access to published scientific research and data that is federally funded. Yet the policies meant to ensure public access for readers are increasingly affecting publishing opportunities for researchers, creating hidden financial and career consequences, according to a new survey released by AAAS.
SPARC Report – New insights into OE in European Libraries of Higher Education 2022
We are pleased to announce the publication of our report, Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education: Implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on OER. The report presents the findings of the third edition of our annual survey of European academic libraries on the topic of Open Education (OE) and Open Educational Resources (OER). It explores the work being done by European academic librarians to implement the UNESCO OER Recommendation, almost three years on from its initial publication in November 2019.
Royal Society of Chemistry to publish fully-owned journals OA within five years
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) announced today that it aims to make all fully RSC-owned journals Open Access within five years, making it the first chemistry publisher and one of the first society publishers to commit to a fully Open Access future.
De Gruyter and Ubiquity join forces
Open research publisher and service provider Ubiquity is joining the Berlin-based academic publisher De Gruyter. Moving forward, the two companies will work together closely to advance both publishers’ mission to make academic research globally accessible and discoverable by offering excellent publishing services.
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 – positive turnout: Strong impetus for the publishing industry and social...
The 74th Frankfurter Buchmesse (19–23 October 2022) reaffirmed its position as the most important international meeting point for the book and media industry: with 93,000 trade visitors (2021: 36,000 trade visitors) and 87,000 private visitors (2021: 37,500 private visitors), Frankfurter Buchmesse was well frequented.
eLife ends accept/reject decisions following peer review
eLife is pleased to announce a major change in editorial practice. Building on its 2021 shift to exclusively reviewing preprints, the organisation is ending the practice of making accept/reject decisions following peer review.
Clarivate Global Research Report Examines Role of Research Assessment with a Review of Six...
Clarivate Plc, today released an in-depth look at formal regional research assessment, co-authored by the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate, together with esteemed industry partners: Kate Williams, University of Melbourne; Jonathan Grant, Different Angles; Lutz Bornmann, Max Planck Institute and Martin Szomszor, Electric Data Solutions.
Wiley Launches ‘Partner Solutions’ Division in Research to Support the Transition to Open Access Publishing
In the run-up to the Frankfurt Book Fair, Wiley (NYSE: WLY), a global leader in research and education, today announced Wiley Partner Solutions, a new division within its Research business. Wiley Partner Solutions serves associations, scientific publishers, societies and corporations as they transform their business strategies and publishing processes in the open research era.
The State of Open Data Report 2022: Researchers need more support to assist with...
Researchers worldwide will need further assistance to help comply with an increasing number of open data mandates, according to the authors of a new report. The State of Open Data Report 2022 – the latest in an annual collaborative series from Digital Science, Figshare and Springer Nature – is released today (9:00am BST Thursday 13 October).