De Gruyter and Ubiquity join forces
Open research publisher and service provider Ubiquity is joining the Berlin-based academic publisher De Gruyter. Moving forward, the two companies will work together closely to advance both publishers’ mission to make academic research globally accessible and discoverable by offering excellent publishing services.
eLife ends accept/reject decisions following peer review
eLife is pleased to announce a major change in editorial practice. Building on its 2021 shift to exclusively reviewing preprints, the organisation is ending the practice of making accept/reject decisions following peer review.
Wits University partners with ChronosHub to implement an automated APC management system
Over the last decade, Wits has more than tripled the number of research outputs published annually, with the share of Open Access (OA) publications increasing even faster. Today, about 50% of Wits’ more than 3,000 research articles are gold or hybrid OA, which require complex processes for handling payments of Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Could China become the world’s loudest voice in research?
China could surpass the US and the EU to become the most dominant voice in global research within a decade, according to a new analysis released this week by research technology company Digital Science. The analysis – conducted by Digital Science CEO Daniel Hook and VP Research Futures Simon Porter – coincides with this week’s Communist Party Congress in which China’s political and economic might are a key focus. But what of its strength in research?
TNQ and Enago offer AI-assisted product for assessment of the quality of language of...
TNQ and Enago recently celebrated a milestone in their strategic partnership - TNQ’s product SmartLanguage, which assesses the quality of language of a scholarly manuscript, has been adopted by a large publisher for their journals portfolio.
“Eureka moments in science” are a myth – according to new ebook published today
IOP Publishing has expanded its growing ebook collection today with the publication of ‘Creativity for Scientists and Engineers: A practical guide’ which explores how scientists can utilise collaboration and thinking outside the box to be more creative and in turn, further scientific development and breakthroughs.
Study Shows that the AJE Digital Editing Tool Significantly Improves Article Acceptance Rates at...
Building on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate books, Springer Nature has invested in, and developed, an AI-based Digital Editing language polishing tool which is designed to add value to scientific publishing. This was done via AJE, part of Research Square Company.
Breaking down barriers to global research
A new series of open access journals from Cambridge University Press will address global challenges by bringing together researchers across national and subject boundaries.
The Charlesworth Group partners with Writefull to improve submitted manuscript quality
Aligning with the strategic importance of improving submission quality, the Charlesworth Group and Writefull have now partnered to offer authors Writefull for free within the Charlesworth AI Paper Checking Service. The aim is to reduce the likelihood of manuscript rejection and help quicken the publication process.
Reviewer Credits, making peer review as part of the academic record, is up to...
Reviewer Credits (RC), originally founded in Milan by Giacomo Bellani and Robert Fruscio as a spin off company of the University of Milan-Bicocca, is launching with a new team. Experienced entrepreneurs in scholarly publishing around Dr. Sven Fund have taken the helm at RC. Their goal is to make quality assurance through peer review in all scientific fields part of the academic record.
Clarivate Supports Peer Review Week by Raising the Profile of Peer Reviewers
Clarivate Plc, a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation, today celebrates Peer Review Week with the announcement of new services for authors to better track their peer review activity. This includes academic publications, citation metrics and journal editing, now all in one place within the newly launched Web of Science™ Researcher Profiles.
IOP Publishing partners with ChronosHub to simplify OA publishing
IOP Publishing (IOPP) announces today a new collaboration with ChronosHub, a platform that streamlines the open access publishing workflow to unburden researchers. The initial phase of the collaboration includes a free-to-use IOPP branded Journal Finder, which enables authors to easily check if the IOPP journal they have chosen to publish their work in complies with their funder or institutional requirements.