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PREreview and eLife welcome Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s support to boost community engagement in public...

PREreview and eLife are pleased to announce today that the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) has awarded a grant to the non-profit organisations. The investment will boost their efforts to enable more diverse communities of researchers to participate in the open peer review of preprints.

Nature authors can now seamlessly share their data 

In a further move to support open research, more journals in the Nature Portfolio – including Nature itself – will now provide authors with the opportunity to openly share their data, thanks to an integration with Figshare.

Clarivate Names World’s Influential Researchers with Highly Cited Researchers 2022 List 

Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation, today revealed its 2022 list of Highly Cited Researchers™ – individuals at universities, research institutes and commercial organizations who have demonstrated a disproportionate level of significant and broad influence in their field or fields of research.

Emerald announces 2022 Time for Change survey

Emerald Publishing’s 2022 Time for Change survey, now in its fourth year, reveals an increased emphasis on open research, with 46% of academics considering open access and sharing of open data sets, compared to 29% four years ago. Despite the interest in open research, funding remains a challenge, with 42% citing it as a problem in 2022 compared to 26% last year.

Wikipedia Editors Get Easier Access to Taylor & Francis Journals in Renewed Agreement

The Wikipedia Library and leading academic publisher Taylor & Francis today announced a renewed partnership, providing active Wikipedia editors automatic access to the journal articles they need.

Clarivate Identifies the Role of Research and Innovation in the World’s Shift to Sustainable...

Clarivate Plc, today released a new report, A study of energy in transition: the role of research and innovation in the world’s shift to sustainable energy sources. It finds that innovation activity in the sustainable energy space is tailing off, as research and inventive activities for respective renewable develops at different paces.

De Gruyter and Ubiquity join forces

Open research publisher and service provider Ubiquity is joining the Berlin-based academic publisher De Gruyter. Moving forward, the two companies will work together closely to advance both publishers’ mission to make academic research globally accessible and discoverable by offering excellent publishing services.

eLife ends accept/reject decisions following peer review

eLife is pleased to announce a major change in editorial practice. Building on its 2021 shift to exclusively reviewing preprints, the organisation is ending the practice of making accept/reject decisions following peer review.

Wits University partners with ChronosHub to implement an automated APC management system

Over the last decade, Wits has more than tripled the number of research outputs published annually, with the share of Open Access (OA) publications increasing even faster. Today, about 50% of Wits’ more than 3,000 research articles are gold or hybrid OA, which require complex processes for handling payments of Article Processing Charges (APCs). 

Could China become the world’s loudest voice in research?

China could surpass the US and the EU to become the most dominant voice in global research within a decade, according to a new analysis released this week by research technology company Digital Science. The analysis – conducted by Digital Science CEO Daniel Hook and VP Research Futures Simon Porter – coincides with this week’s Communist Party Congress in which China’s political and economic might are a key focus. But what of its strength in research?

TNQ and Enago offer AI-assisted product for assessment of the quality of language of...

TNQ and Enago recently celebrated a milestone in their strategic partnership - TNQ’s product SmartLanguage, which assesses the quality of language of a scholarly manuscript, has been adopted by a large publisher for their journals portfolio.

“Eureka moments in science” are a myth – according to new ebook published today 

IOP Publishing has expanded its growing ebook collection today with the publication of ‘Creativity for Scientists and Engineers: A practical guide’ which explores how scientists can utilise collaboration and thinking outside the box to be more creative and in turn, further scientific development and breakthroughs.