eLife, the funder-researcher collaboration for the very best in science and science communication, is now accepting submissions for its new journal. The open-access ‘eLife’ journal will be the keystone in the initiative’s efforts to lead change in scientific publishing.
First announced in summer 2011, eLife is a researcher-driven initiative backed by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society and the Wellcome Trust. eLife’s first aim is to launch an open-access journal for outstanding scientific advances that is also a platform for experimentation and showcasing innovation in research communication.
Beginning today, ‘eLife’ invites submissions across the full breadth of life science and biomedicine – from the most basic and theoretical work to translational, applied and clinical research. ‘eLife’ will publish the most influential findings – from advances in basic understanding to research with the potential to drive an entire field forward, and studies that demonstrate real-world outcomes.
“We’re offering authors a much-needed new venue for their most important discoveries,” said Randy Schekman, ‘eLife’ editor-in-chief. “With the support of three prestigious biomedical research funders and led by 200 of the world’s most respected scientists, we believe eLife will quickly reach the forefront of scientific publishing. Now is the time for researchers to get on board and send their best work.”
In establishing a powerful presence in science publishing, the eLife initiative aims to lead change – to catalyse innovation in research communication through experimentation, collaboration and continuous improvement. With the call for papers, ‘eLife’ introduces a fresh approach to peer review and publication, in which decisions are swift and guidance to authors is concise and clear.
“All of our efforts are designed to put authors at the centre,” added Mark Patterson, ‘eLife’ Managing Executive Editor. “The vetting and editorial process will be efficient and pain-free, and our approach to publishing will drive maximum possible exposure and use of every published article.” There is no cost to publish in ‘eLife’ for an initial period.
The ‘eLife’ journal is set for launch at the end of 2012. To submit and learn more about the initiative, visit the eLife website