With the addition of its 330th employee in March, Atypon has officially tripled in size since 2013, adding 220 staff in four years. The largest technology company in the scholarly publishing industry, Atypon has been steadily expanding its teams to serve a growing customer base and support its continuous product development. The company is on track to exceed its hiring target of 100 more customer service and engineering staff in 2017.
The company’s organic growth supports the development of several new product features for Atypon’s Literatum, the industry’s most widely used online publishing platform. They include an interactive exams module, recently premiered on the American Pharmaceutical Association’s newly relaunched publication website; a business intelligence module that is in beta testing with 23 publishers; the industry’s first in-browser eReader for both books and journals, a fully integrated feature of Literatum available this year; and the ability to support any content type as a first-class publication, from videos and blogs to magazines and interactive data sets.
“Enlarging our client services and engineering teams is critical to keeping Literatum and our customers at the forefront of publishing and web technology,” said Georgios Papadopoulos, Atypon’s CEO and founder. “Our expansion also supports important R&D efforts that will advance the state of the art for the entire publishing industry.”
Among the company’s initiatives with industry-wide reach are universal resource access (URA)—which significantly improves the research experience with seamless access across all publisher sites via a single login—passwordless login, and R&D into artificial intelligence. Software developers and client services comprise 92% of Atypon staff—70% and 22%, respectively.
Atypon’s staff expansion is supported by the opening of four new development hubs—in Oakland, California; Rochester, New York; Thessaloniki, Greece; and Prague—in addition to a second office in Athens, Greece, and a newly expanded office in Amman, Jordan, for a total of 11 offices in 10 cities worldwide.
Several publishers joined the Literatum community in 2016, including SAGE and Wiley, two of the world’s largest. New publication websites launched by Atypon in the last year include SAGE, the American Institute of Physics (AIP), and Human Kinetics. Earlier this year, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Physiological Society (APS), and the British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery became Atypon clients.
Literatum now hosts 24 million articles, 11,400 journals, 188,000 eBooks, and 976 websites for over 2,400 societies and publishers—more than 40% of the world’s English-language scholarly journal articles, based on statistics in the March 2015 “STM Report” issued by the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers. Atypon’s market share has increased more than 15% since 2015.
In October 2016, Atypon was acquired by Wiley and functions as an independent business unit of the publisher.