CAB International (Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International) announced today they will be provide free access to 77 recently published CABI books through Research4Life, a global UN-publisher initiative providing free and low cost access to researchers in developing countries. The recent editions on agriculture, plant and veterinary science will be available to eligible institutions as part of AGORA, Research4Life’s Global Online Research in Agriculture programme.
Launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2003 in partnership with major publishers, AGORA is celebrating its 10th Anniversary providing researchers, students, policymakers, non-profits and agriculturalists in developing countries with free and low cost access to a unique digital library in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. CABI is a founding member of the AGORA programme, joining as part of its commitment to furthering knowledge management in international development.
The over 70 books offered by CABI include titles published from 2008 to 2010, giving users access to critical peer reviewed information. These books will be added to the current online resources available through AGORA. Currently, over 2200 institutions have registered for access to AGORA which provides access to over 3400 journals, up to 2000 e-books, and up to 20 other information resources. covering agriculture, fisheries, food, nutrition, veterinary science and related biological, environmental and social sciences in public institutions across the world.
Trevor Nicholls, CEO of CABI, said, “A key part of our mission is to strengthen access to research knowledge, especially in the world’s poorest countries. As a world class publisher in agriculture and the environment, we’re delighted to offer free resources to the researchers who need it most, through this global open initiative.”
“This latest addition of books from CABI’s high quality selection is a further generous contribution to AGORA from one of the founder publisher partners,” said Stephen Rudgard, AGORA programme manager, FAO. “The collection will be greatly appreciated by users.”
Additionally, CABI provides free health-related books to HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme – one of the other four Research4Life Programmes – launched and managed by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2002 which enables low and middle income countries to gain access to biomedical and health literature.