Faculty of 1000’s F1000Prime (http://f1000.com/prime) article recommendation service has partnered with Public Library of Science (PLOS), a leading nonprofit open access publisher and advocacy organization, to provide enhanced information to researchers on the impact of their published articles. The full press release can be read here: http://f1000.com/resources/F1000-PLOS_collaboration_PR.pdf.
‘F1000Prime recommended’ badges and scores have been added to all PLOS journal articles that have been selected for inclusion in F1000Prime by F1000’s Faculty of peer-nominated life scientists and clinicians. Adding F1000Prime scores to PLOS’s sophisticated article-level metrics (ALMs) gives authors of important articles more information on the impact of their work and its recognition by respected scientists, and will help guide readers to expert commentaries on important papers.
Please contact Faculty of 1000 if you have any questions about this partnership at press@f1000.com.