More than 400 institutions included in multi-year agreement
Springer and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) in Brazil have entered into a new five-year agreement giving students, researchers and professionals at more than 400 institutions access to Springer’s content. CAPES is made up of both academic and government institutions, and Springer has been a partner of the government consortium since 2007.
The new deal encompasses Springer’s entire online English-language journal collection, the complete Online Journals Archive (OJA) and the zbMATH database. Through this agreement, CAPES members will now have full access to all online journal titles, all subject collections in the OJA and the more than three million entries in zbMATH.
“CAPES is very selective when it comes to its partners for long-term deals like this one with Springer,” said Prof. Marcio de Castro Silva Filho, Programs Director of CAPES. “We only enter into agreements with those companies that can best support our needs and goals. It was clear that Springer was one of those organizations.”
“Brazil is incredibly important to the future of both research and scholarly publishing,” said Maria Lopes, Vice President of Library Sales for Latin America. “We are thrilled that CAPES elected to enter into this agreement with Springer, and we are delighted we can help support CAPES’s goals in higher education. We look forward to pursuing similar deals across Latin America.”