Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies™ is now available via EBSCOhost®. Formerly available via First Search from OCLC, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies is a unique and rich source of information for students and specialists in Slavic, Russian and Eastern European studies.
A comprehensive resource featuring indexing and abstracting of more than 12,500 publications, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies includes nearly 2.2 million records and covers 1980 to the present. The database provides citations and abstracts of journals articles, books, manuscripts and dissertations published primarily in Russia, the republics of the former Soviet Union, and countries in Eastern Europe.
Subject indexing language in Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies is bilingual, presented in both English and Russian. In most instances, including indexing of article titles, source titles, keywords, author names, the Russian language is represented in both Cyrillic and Romanized script.
Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies covers a broad range of subject areas within social sciences and humanities. With topics as diverse as archaeology, economics, history, law, linguistics, literary criticism, philosophy, political science and religious studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies is critical to the work of specialists and a fundamental reference for students.