Serials Solutions®, a ProQuest® business, is working with Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) to index its e-book collection in the Summon® discovery service. Recognizing that much scholarly work in the humanities and social sciences is published in book form rather than in periodicals, SciELO introduced this collection as a parallel to its widely-accessed collection of scientific academic journals. The collection is a mix of open access and commercial e-books from major academic publishers in Brazil and Latin America.
The majority of titles are selected by a peer-review process and are devoted to social sciences and humanities, including fields such as architecture, art, economics, education, geography, history, linguistics, literature, media, music, performing arts, philosophy, political science and sociology. The initial collection is approximately 250 books and is expected to increase by 500-1000 more books each year.
SciELO’s objective is to maximize the use, visibility, accessibility and impact of the work of Latin American scholars. With the addition of these resources in the Summon service, the works will be more widely available to a worldwide audience.
Used by more than 500 libraries in more than 40 countries, the Summon service is the first and only discovery service based on a unified index of content. Proven to increase usage of library resources, the Summon service consistently meets user expectations by delivering innovative new features for enhancing discovery.