Serials Solutions®, a ProQuest® business, is working with Longwoods Publishing to index its healthcare journals in the Summon® discovery service. Most of the content is devoted to Canadian medical practice, but some journals have an international focus. All of the publications are a combination of free-access content such as columns and editorials, and paid-access research articles.
Titles to be indexed in the Summon service include:
Healthcare Quarterly documents and disseminates leading practices in health-service delivery and policy development.
Healthcare Papers reviews new models in healthcare, bridging the gap between academia and the world of healthcare management and policy.
Healthcare Policy publicizes research relating to health policy development and decision making, in spheres ranging from governance, organization and service delivery to funding and resource allocation.
Electronic Healthcare explores best practices, policy and innovations in e-models, e-practices and e-products for e-health, for improving health-service delivery and policy development.
Nursing Leadership covers politics, policy, theory and innovations that contribute to leadership in nursing administration, practice, teaching and research.
World Health & Population publishes contributions by researchers, policy makers and practitioners in developing countries and communities to enable excellence in healthcare worldwide.
These resources are widely subscribed to by libraries. The addition of the Longwoods journals in the Summon service is another mark of the company’s commitment to delivering a better research experience.
Used by more than 500 libraries in more than 40 countries, the Summon service is the first and only discovery service based on a unified index of content. Proven to increase usage of library resources, the Summon service consistently meets user expectations by delivering innovative new features for enhancing discovery.