Maney Publishing is delighted that three humanities journals have been accepted into Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Knowledge. War & Society, Public Archaeology and Levant will be indexed and abstracted in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities. Additionally War & Society will also be included in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition andCurrent Contents/Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Coverage within ISI is a notable achievement for these journals and highlights the high quality of academic research published by Maney.
Jeffrey Grey (University of New South Wales, Australia), Editor of War & Society, comments “We are pleased and gratified that War & Society has been recognised in this way, and highly appreciative of the relationship we have with Maney in helping to achieve this outcome.”
Liz Rosindale, Humanities Publishing Manager at Maney comments “This is a significant advance for three of Maney’s journals that are already well known and respected within their fields. It also consolidates the considerable number of other ISI acceptances that have been achieved by Maney’s humanities and social science publications, covering both books and journals, over the last twelve months.”
War & Society publishes scholarly articles on the causes, experience and impact of war in all periods of history. While articles dealing with the technical and operational aspects of warfare are considered for publication, the journal’s main emphasis is on the broader relationships between warfare and society.
Public Archaeology is the only international, peer-reviewed journal to provide an arena for the growing debate surrounding archaeological and heritage issues as they relate to the wider world of politics, ethics, government, social questions, education, management, economics and philosophy.
Levant is the international peer-reviewed journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant and covers a wide variety of areas, including anthropology, archaeology, geography, history, language and literature, political studies, religion, sociology and tourism.