Oxford University Press (OUP) is pleased to announce that Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP) has been identified for participation in SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), a new collaborative initiative for open access (OA) publishing in high-energy physics, which aims to convert the literature of the field to open access by redirecting subscriptions fees to directly pay for the publishing services, in a way transparent to authors.
Neil Scriven, Senior Publisher at OUP, said: “We are delighted to be collaborating with SCOAP3 in this innovative project. We look forward to working with our partner, the Physical Society of Japan, and the high-energy physics community in making our high-quality research available to all.”
Norisuke Sakai, Editor-in-Chief, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, said: “It is a great pleasure to have PTEP included in the SCOAP3 project. PTEP has now started publishing special issue articles and receiving manuscripts for the regular publications in 2013. The journal is the successor to Progress of Theoretical Physics, founded in 1946 by Hideki Yukawa, the first Japanese Nobel Laureate. I am very excited to start the journal’s new chapter as a fully open access title with the new journal name to cover both experimental and theoretical physics, and look forward to developing our relationship with SCOAP3.”
PTEP is among several journals from different publishers to participate in the project, which aims to facilitate open access publishing in high energy physics. The open and competitive procedure, conducted by CERN for the benefit of SCOAP3, took into account the quality of the journals (as measured by their Impact Factor), the quality of the services provided (as measured by their re-use licenses and delivery formats), and the unit price for publishing each article. SCOAP3 will start operations in 2014. Articles funded by SCOAP3 will be available open access in perpetuity, under a CC-BY license.
Salvatore Mele, SCOAP3 project manager at CERN, added: “SCOAP3 is pleased that PTEP will be part of the wide and diverse set of journals which will participate in this initiative, both as a new open access journal and, at the same time, as the successor of Progress of Theoretical Physics, an important resource in the field for many decades. We look forward to work with partners in Japan and Oxford over the next years.”
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics is owned by the Physical Society of Japan and it was announced earlier this year that OUP would be publishing this title on the Society’s behalf. PTEP is an international open access journal that publishes articles on theoretical and experimental physics.
OUP has been publishing OA content since 2004 and publishes 11 fully open access titles and over 110 hybrid open access journals. OUP is mission-driven to facilitate the widest possible dissemination of high-quality research and embraces both green and gold open access publishing to support this mission. Visit http://www.oxfordjournals.org/oxfordopen/ to find out more about Oxford Open.