John Wiley & Sons, Inc., today announced a continued increase in the proportion of its journal titles indexed in the Thomson ISI® 2011 Journal Citation Reports (JCR). A total of 1,156 Wiley titles (approximately 76%) were indexed, representing an increase of 5% from the 2010 JCR, and including 43 titles which have been indexed for the first time.
Among these, the newly-launched WIRES title Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change achieved an impressive one-year Impact Factor of 2.913, making it the fourth highest-ranked title in the Environmental Sciences category. WIRES: Cognitive Science and WIRES: Computational Molecular Science were also indexed for the first time this year.
Among journals receiving an Impact Factor in both 2010 and 2011, 581 Wiley titles (52.4%) increased in Impact Factor in 2011. Of these, 194 titles increased by 25% or more.
“We continue to see an increase in the proportion of our journals with an Impact Factor and I am delighted to see this recognition of the hard work and dedication to quality of our editors, society partners, and Wiley colleagues,” said Steve Miron, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, Scientific, Technical, Medical, and Scholarly, Wiley.
The portfolio maintains a strong performance across both science and social science, with the second-largest share of titles in the Social Science JCR, and titles indexed in 218 of the 232 JCR subject categories. Across the portfolio, Wiley publications achieved the top rank in 22 JCR subject categories, top three in 93 categories and top ten a total of 333 times (up from 317 in the 2010 JCR).
Wiley publishes the largest share of titles in 50 JCR subject categories, and overall published 10.9% of the journals, 10.7% of the articles, and received 11.4% of the citations.
Once again, the outstanding CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, published by Wiley on behalf of The American Cancer Society, was the highest-ranked journal in the JCR – a position that the title has held since 2005. In the 2011 JCR, the journal also became the first title to achieve an Impact Factor over 100 at 101.780.
Impact factors are a metric that reflect the frequency that peer-reviewed journals are cited by researchers, making them an important tool for evaluating a journal’s quality.
Highlights in Health Sciences:
In the 2011 Journal Citation Reports, 322 Wiley health science journals have received an Impact Factor (up from 310 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports). Nine Health Sciences journals received their first Impact Factor this year, including Nursing in Critical Care with an Impact Factor of 1.082. In total, six Health Sciences publications achieved top category rankings and a further 54 achieved rankings within the top 10 of their subject category, yielding 71 top-10 category rankings in total.
Of the 153 journals in the Medicine, General & Internal category, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) continues to be ranked in the top ten, with a new impact factor of 5.715. The total number of times the CDSR was cited increased from 27,366 in 2010 to 29,593 meaning the CDSR receives the 7th highest number of citations in its category.
In Dentistry Periodontology 2000 and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research were ranked one and two respectively. Journal of Prosthodontics and International Journal of Dental Hygiene received their first impact factors.
With 15 out of 68 titles in the category, Wiley is the leading publisher of Hematology journals, with two titles appearing in the top ten, Stem Cells (7.781) and Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (5.731).
The Journal of Pathology is the highest impact original research, general pathology journal with an impact factor of 6.813 and ranks 19/194 in Oncology. Wiley is the third leading publisher in the oncology category, with 19 out of 194 titles.
The official journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Clinical and Experimental Allergy, saw a notable rise in impact factor with an increase of 20% from 4.195 to 5.032, maintaining the number three ranking for a 7th consecutive year. The journal Allergy also preserved its number two ranking for a 7th consecutive year with an impact factor of 6.271. Immunological Reviews is ranked 6th out of all immunology titles.
The Wiley rheumatology portfolio includes the American College of Rheumatology journals, Arthritis and Rheumatism and Arthritis Care & Research, which remain in the top ten in positions three and six, with impact factors of 7.866 and 4.851 respectively.
In the Veterinary Sciences category, Wiley is the leading publisher with 23 out of 143 titles (16%). Eight of our titles saw a rise in impact factor.
Highlights in Chemistry, Physical Sciences and Engineering:
Wiley journals rank within the top ten of 71 categories (from 43 journals). Five publications achieved the number one spot in their category, including Medicinal Research Reviews (10.700), Mass Spectrometry Reviews (10.461), Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (3.382), and Acta Crystallographica Section D (published on behalf of the International Union of Crystallography) which doubled its Impact Factor to 12.619 and moved up two ranks.
With its very first impact factor of 2.390 Molecular Informatics entered directly in the top ten of the Mathematical & Computational Biology category. Drug Testing and Analysis also received a promising first year at 2.537, while the Israel Journal of Chemistry almost doubled its Impact Factor within the two years since being published by Wiley.
Advanced Materials posted a very strong performance again, jumping another 28% to 13.877. With nearly 80,000 citations it is now the most cited journal in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology and number two in Multidisciplinary Materials Science. With an increase of 20% its sister journal Advanced Functional Materials (10.179) also reinforced its standing as a leading full-paper journal in general materials science and Advanced Energy Materials received an excellent first Immediacy Index of 1.950.
Angewandte Chemie, a journal of the German Chemical Society published under the Wiley-VCH imprint, saw its Impact Factor rise to 13.455. It has further strengthened its position as the leading multidisciplinary chemistry journal publishing both primary research and review articles.
For the 11th year Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (6.048) remains the leading primary journal in organic, organometallic, and applied chemistry. ChemCatChem, published by Wiley-VCH on behalf of ChemPubSoc Europe, received an impressive second Impact Factor of 5.207, an increase of 56%.
Highlights in Life Sciences:
Ecology Letters has achieved an Impact Factor of 17.557 and has retained its position as the number one ranking journal in Ecology. This is the eighth consecutive year that the journal has increased its Impact Factor.
Five new journals have received their first Impact Factor including Birth Defects Research – Part C, WIRES Climate Change, Microbial Biotechnology, WIRES Cognitive Science and Methods in Ecology and Evolution which was recently shortlisted for the ALPSP best new journal award, published on behalf of the British Ecological Society.
Seventy-one journals are ranked within the top ten of their category, giving overall 82 top ten rankings, and Wiley publishes the number one journals in seven categories including Biodiversity Conservation, Ecology, Fisheries, Zoology, Physical Geography, Geriatrics & Gerontology and Ornithology.
EMBO Molecular Medicine, which announced its move to open access earlier this year, celebrates a second year of success with an increase in Impact Factor to 10.33.
Highlights in Social Sciences and Humanities:
Wiley publishes the top ranked journal in four of the Social Science JCR categories and 81 journals which are ranked within the top ten of their respective categories (achieving 96 top ten rankings). Milbank Quarterly topped categories in both the Science (Health Care Sciences & Services) and Social Science (Health Policy & Services) JCR.
Wiley publishes more ranked titles than any other publisher in 15 out of 56 Social Science categories, including Anthropology; Business, Finance; Economics; Law; Psychology Applied; Psychology Developmental; Psychology Social.
Twenty-three titles received an Impact Factor for the first time in 2011 including Human Resources Management Journal which entered the ranking within the top ten with an Impact Factor of 1.388.
Wiley’s Social Sciences and Humanities titles received several notable increases, including the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making which increased by 70% from 1.672 to 2.842 and Medical Anthropology Quarterly which increased by 170% from 0.767 to 1.298. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders increased its Impact Factor by 56% from 1.243 to 1.946 and is now ranked within the top ten of Linguistics and Rehabilitation. Rural Sociology and European Financial Management both increased their impact factors by over 50%.